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Process for Adding New Academic Staff

Process for adding new academic staff


Administrator contacts academic technology team via email to giving

  • Staff email address
  • Role
  • Duration (if able and allowed)
  • Details of agreed tech provision (e.g., hardware) if any

Academic technologist does the following.

Distribution lists

Add the member of staff to the following lists

Outlook groups
  • CIM Academic staff
  • CIM Research
  • CIM Staff
  • CIM Website
Email lists

The email lists are found at

  • CIM Academic Staff

Access rights

Give the member of staff access to the following

  • IM-staffintranet - read access to the staff intranet
  • Personal web page
  • Give post permissions to email address in
  • Give staff read permission to Moodle pages for all the CIM modules

Personal page

  • Create a personal page under people subsection of the site
  • Request photograph (find exact dimensions)

Contact details

Request contact number and, if given, add to phone number contact page (

contact staff member about above using new staff template