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Nerea Calvillo (Associate Professor)

Nerea Calvillo (Reader)

My work investigates the material, technological, political and social dimensions of environmental pollution. This has led me to analyse notions of toxicity, digital infrastructures of environmental monitoring, DIY and collaborative forms of production, smart cities, and feminist approaches to sensing the environment, among others. I am founder of the collaborative visualisation project In the Air and the architecture office C+arquitectas. My current work is on toxic politics, pollen and queer urban political ecologies.

Current research projects:

Co-I: RECLAIM + network (£1.2m UKRI-funded Network+ grant, awarded March 2022-March 2024). Reclaiming Forgotten Cities - Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy places for people is led by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Universities of Bath, Bangor and Warwick.

PI: Yellow Dust. Independent research, awarded with an Impact grant ESRC IAA, from Warwick and the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) 2017.

Co-I. Belmont Forum/ESRC/FAPESP/BMBF “Waterproofing Data: engaging stakeholders in sustainable flood risk governance for urban resilience”, (€1m, awarded Jun/2018-May/2021). Funding under the “Transformations for Sustainability”/Norface programme delivered in the UK by the ESRC under the Global Challenges Research Fund.

Mellon Researcher. CCA Mellon Multidisciplinary Research Program “Architecture and/for the Environment” 2017-2019

New monograph:

Calvillo, N. (2023) Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds. Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, p. 240 Pages.

Selected Publications:

Calvillo, N. (2023) Involvement as an ethics for more than human interdependencies in D. Papadopoulos, M. Puig de la Bellacasa, and M. Tachetti (eds) Ecological Reparation: Repair, Remediation and Resurgence in Social and Environmental Conflict. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Calvillo, N. (2022) Toxic Nature: Toward a Queer Theory of Pollution, in K. Förster (ed.) Environmental Histories of Architecture. Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture.

Calvillo, N. et al. (2022) From Extreme Weather Events to “Cascading Vulnerabilities: Participatory Flood Research Methodologies in Brazil During COVID-19, Journal of Extreme Events, p. 2241002.

Porto de Albuquerque, J. et al. (2021) The role of data in transformations to sustainability: a critical research agenda, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, pp. 153–163.

Calvillo, N. (2018) Political airs: From monitoring to attuned sensing air pollution, Social Studies of Science, 48 (3), pp. 372–388.

Liboiron, M., Tironi, M. and Calvillo, N. (2018) Toxic politics: Acting in a permanently polluted world, Social Studies of Science, 48 (3), pp. 331–349.

Calvillo, N. (2018) Inviting Atmospheres to the Architecture Table, in: Marres, N., Guggenheim, M., and Wilkie, A. (eds.) Inventing the Social. Manchester: Mattering Press, pp. 41–64.

Calvillo, N. and Mesa, M. (2018) Tender Infrastructures: Designing with care, or contributions to ‘matters of care’ in architecture, Diseña, 12, pp. 172–195.

Calvillo, N. (2017) Reclamar el Aire, in: La Aventura de Aprender.

Calvillo, N. (2017) Air infrastructures for the common, in: Infrastructures for the urban commons. Barcelona, New York: Actar, pp. 54–59.

Tironi, M. & Calvillo, N., (2016). Water and Air: Territories, tactics and the elemental textility of Urban Cosmopolitics. In I. Farias & A. Blok, eds. Urban Cosmopolitics. Routledge.

Pop, S., Toft, T., Calvillo, N. and Wright, M. (2016) What Urban Media Art Can Do. Stuttgart: avedition GmbH.

Calvillo, N. et al.,(2016). Test-bed as urban epistemology. In Smart Urbanism. Routledge, pp. 146–168.

Lezaun, J. & Calvillo, N., (2014). In the Political Laboratory: Kurt Lewin’s Atmospheres. Journal of Cultural Economy, 7(4), pp.434–457.

Halpern, O. et al., 2013. Test-Bed Urbanism. Public Culture, 25(2 70), pp.272–306.

Other Materials

Air pollution visualisations have been exhibited in in Medialab-Prado, (Spain, 2008, 2015), Kitchen Budapest (Hungary, 2009), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago de Chile (Chile, 2010), Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Spain, 2014) or the Canadian Centre of Architecture (Canada, 2012), among others.

Academic Profile

I joined CIM in 2015 from Citizen Sense (Goldsmiths University of London). I hold a PhD and a Bachelor´s degree in Architecture (Polytechnic University of Madrid) and a Master´s degree in Advanced Architecture Design (Columbia University). I have taught design studio at the Architectural Association (UK), GSD Harvard University (US), Universidad de Alicante (ES) and the UEM (ES).

Modules Taught

Urban Data (IM919)

Data Visualisation in Science, Culture and Public Policy (IM949)


Director of Postgraduate Research

Nerea Calvillo


Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Room B0.15
University of Warwick

Email:N dot Calvillo at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: +44 (0)2476 74711