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Richard Terry (Student Researcher)

Richard Terry

Supervisors: Dr Nate TkaczLink opens in a new window.

Research Topic

My PhD research topic follows an interdisciplinary approach, seeking to investigate the interrelationship of power and knowledge in the context of social practice in networked digital environments.

I’m researching effective methods to discover how this interrelationship is enmeshed in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of knowledge in an increasingly globalised, networked and, most especially, financialised political economy.

I’m also particularly interested in the socio-political implications of this current historical shift specifically, but not exclusively, in terms of the educational domain, of which the recent proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses may be merely one symptom.

I’m also keen to address examples, in online and digital contexts, of the misrecognition of hierarchisation at the core of social practices, including in the domains of knowledge such as education that seem to serve, in Bourdieu’s terms, as “institutionalised classifiers” involving “submission to dominant values” in the midst of a more general struggle for political dominance.


Peer reviewed articles

Terry, R. (in press). Time, Telos, Techne, Doxa: the challenges of Massive Open Online Courses. Knowledge Cultures.

Research Interests

My conceptual and methodological interests include the use of social theory that aims to offer a robust critique of hierarchical social structures and processes via analyses of social practice in specific contexts. In a more general sense this invokes theoretical perspectives on the epistemological foundations of power, the interplay of structure and agency, and the specificities of continuity and change.

I believe that such critical perspectives potentially have valuable implications for reassessing the meaning and reenergising the potential of ideas such as “increased participation”, “democratic practice” and “citizenship".



Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies

University of Warwick CV4 7AL
