RSE Blog

These are the last items on the RSE Blog, where we post about use cases,news items...
RSE Cases
Whatnots shares some, but not all, R code and data files used in our MASC Data Visualisation teaching
A tiny tool to convert zeeschuimer ndjson files into csv format.
IM939 Data Science Teaching materials
An online, reproducible handbook for the core module Data Science Across Disciplines
Research Software Engineering in Data & AI Workshop 2023
The Alan Turing Institute and the University of Warwick are collaborating to hold a workshop for Research Software Engineers (RSEs) and other Digital Research Infrastructure professionals (DRIs) who support research in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Two CIM members will be participating in different capacities: Carlos Cámara-Menoyo (Senior SRSE) in the organisation committee, and Michael Castelle as speaker. More information about the event here.
Records the commands and visualisations created in an R session for parsing and visualising the user workflow.
LE-CAT is a Lexicon-based Categorization and Analysis Tool developed by James Tripp
Visual diagnostics for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)