- Cámara-Menoyo, Carlos, Porto de Albuquerque, João, Suchomska, Joanna, Tregonning, Grant, McInerny, Greg, 2024. Co-designing grounded visualisations of the Food-Water-Energy nexus to enable urban sustainability transformations. Environmental Science & Policy, 154
- Porto de Albuquerque, João, Anderson, Liana, Calvillo, Nerea, Cattino, Massimo, Clarke, Andrew, Cunha, Maria Alexandra, Garde-Hansen, Joanne, Klonner, Carolin, Lima-Silva, Fernanda, Marchezini, Victor, Martins, Mario Henrique da Mata, Pajarito Grajales, Diego, Pitidis, Vangelis, Rizwan, Mohammed, Tkacz, Nathaniel, Trajber, Rachel, 2023. Dialogic data innovations for sustainability transformations and flood resilience : the case for waterproofing data. Global Environmental Change, 82
- Day, Sophie, Gleason, Kelly, Lury, Celia, Sherlock, Di, Viney, William, Ward, Helen, 2023. ?In the picture? : perspectives on living and working with cancer. Medical Humanities, 49 (1), pp. 83-92
- Day, Sophie, Lury, Celia, Ward, Helen, 2023. Personalization : a new political arithmetic?. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 24 (2), pp. 167-194
- Vivas i Elias, Pep, López Catalán, Óscar, Sánchez Naudin, Jorge, Cámara Menoyo, Carlos, Paricio Cárceles, Ana, 2022. Elementos ético-políticos en investigación e intervención : reflexiones desde la psicología social. Anuario de Psicología, 52 (1), pp. 46-52
- Porto de Albuquerque, Joao, Anderson, Liana, Calvillo, Nerea, Coaffee, Jon, Cunha, Maria Alexandra, Degrossi, Livia Castro, Dolif Neto, Giovanni, Horita, Flavio, Klonner, Carolin, Lima-Silva, Fernanda, Marchezini, Victor, Martins, Mario Henrique da Mata, Pajarito-Grajales, Diego, Pitidis, Vangelis, Rudorff, Conrado, Tkacz, Nathaniel, Traijber, Rachel, Zipf, Alexander, 2021. The role of data in transformations to sustainability : a critical research agenda. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, pp. 153-163
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, Henrique da Mata Martins, Mário, Porto de Albuquerque, Joa?o, Horita, Flávio, Dolif Neto, Giovanni, 2021. Data diaries : a situated approach to the study of data. Big Data & Society, 8 (1), pp. 1-16
- Dieter, Michael, Helmond, Anne, Tkacz, Nathaniel, van der Vlist, Fernando, Weltevrede, Esther, 2021. Pandemic platform governance : mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps. Internet Policy Review : journal on internet regulation, 10 (3)
- Cubitt, Sean, Lury, Celia, McQuire, Scott, Papastergiadis, Nikos, Palmer, Daniel, Pfefferkorn, Jasmin, Sunde, Emilie K., 2021. Ambient images. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 30 (61-62), pp. 68-77
- Dieter, Michael, Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2020. The patterning of finance/security : a designerly walkthrough of challenger banking apps. Computational Culture : a journal of software studies
- Dieter, Michael, Gerlitz, Carolin, Helmond, Anne, Tkacz, Nathaniel, van der Vlist, Fernando N., Weltevrede, Esther, 2019. Multi-situated app studies : methods and propositions. Social Media + Society, 5 (2)
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2019. Money's new abstractions : Apple Pay and the economy of experience. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 20 (3), pp. 264-283
- Lury, Celia, 2019. Algorithmic personalisation as a mode of individuation. Theory Culture & Society, 36 (2), pp. 17-37
- Cowley, Robert, Barnett, Clive, Katzschner, Tania, Tkacz, Nathaniel, De Boeck, Filip, 2018. Forum : resilience & design. Resilience : International Policies, Practices and Discourses, 6 (1), pp. 1-34
- Golding, Nick, August, Tom A., Lucas, Tim C. D., Gavaghan, David J., van Loon, E. Emiel, McInerny, Greg J., 2018. The zoon R package for reproducible and shareable species distribution modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (2), pp. 260-268
- Moor, Liz, Lury, Celia, 2018. Price and the person: markets, discrimination, and personhood. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11 (6), pp. 501-513
- Moor, Liz, Lury, Celia, 2018. Price and the person : markets, discrimination and personhood. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11 (6), pp. 501-513
- Cowley, Robert, Barnett, Clive, Katzschner, Tania, Tkacz, Nathaniel, De Boeck, Filip, 2017. Forum : resilience & design. Resilience : International Policies, Practices and Discourses, pp. 1-34
- Day, Sophie E., Lury, Celia, 2017. New technologies of the observer : #BringBack, Visualization and Disappearance. Theory, Culture & Society, 34 (7-8), pp. 51-74
- McInerny, Greg J., 2016. Ten simple rules for curating and facilitating small workshops. PLoS Computational Biology, 12 (7), pp. 1-8
- Ahmed, Sadia E., McInerny, Greg J., O'Hara, Kenton, Harper, Richard, Salido, Lara, Emmott, Stephen, Joppa, Lucas N., 2015. Scientists and software - surveying the species distribution modelling community. Diversity and Distributions, 21 (3), pp. 258-267
- McInerny, Greg J., Chen, Min, Freeman, Robin, Gavaghan, David, Meyer, Miriah, Rowland, Francis, Spiegelhalter, David J., Stefaner, Moritz, Tessarolo, Geizi, Hortal, Joaquin, 2014. Information visualisation for science and policy : engaging users and avoiding bias. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29 (3), pp. 148-157
- Gerlitz, Carolin, Lury, Celia, 2014. Social media and self-evaluating assemblages : on numbers, orderings and values. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 15 (2), pp. 174-188
- Lury, Celia, 2013. Topological sense-making : walking the mobius strip from cultural topology to topological culture. Space and Culture, 16 (2), pp. 128-132
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2012. La veritat de la Viquipèdia. Digithum : humanities in digital era
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2012. From open source to open government : a critique of open politics. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, Vol.12 (No.4), pp. 386-405
- Lury, Celia, Parisi, Luciana, Terranova, Tiziana, 2012. Introduction : the becoming topological of culture. Theory, Culture & Society, Vol.29 (No.4-5), pp. 3-35
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2011. In defence of ANT : a reply to Johan Söderberg. Journal of Peer Production
- Moor, Liz, Lury, Celia, 2011. Making and measuring value : comparison, singularity and agency in brand valuation practice. Journal of Cultural Economy, 4 (4), pp. 439-454
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2010. Wikipedia and the politics of mass collaboration. Platform : journal of media and communication, 2 (2), pp. 40-53
- Lury, Celia, 2009. Brand as assemblage. Journal of Cultural Economy, 2 (1-2), pp. 67-82
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2007. Power, visibility, Wikipedia. Southern Review: Communication, Politics & Culture, Vol.40 (No.2), pp. 5-19
- Velasco González, Pablo, Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2020. Blockchain, or, peer production without guarantees. In O'Neil, M.; Pentzold, C.; Toupin, S. (eds.), Handbook of Peer Production, Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 238-253
- Lury, Celia, 2020. Problem spaces : how and why methodology matters. Cambridge, UK ; Medford, MA, Polity Press
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, Velasco, Pablo R., 2018. Experience money. In Lovink, Geert; Gloerich, Inte; De Vries, Patricia (eds.), MoneyLab Reader 2 : Overcoming the Hype, Amsterdam, Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 31-42
- Lury, Celia, 2018. Introduction: activating the present of interdisciplinary methods. In Fensham, Rachel; Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra; Lammes, Sybille; Last, Angela; Michael, Mike; Uprichard, Emma; Lurry, Celia (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods, Routledge, pp. 1-27
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2015. Wikipedia and the politics of openness. Chicago ; London, University of Chicago Press
- Lury, Celia, Wakeford, Nina, 2012. Introduction : a perpetual inventory. In Lury, Celia; Wakeford, Nina (eds.), Inventive methods : the happening of the social, London, Routledge, pp. 1-24
- Enyedy, Edgar, Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2011. 'Good luck with your wikiPAIDia? : reflections on the 2002 fork of the Spanish Wikipedia. An interview with Edgar Enyedy. In Lovink, Geert; Tkacz, Nathaniel (eds.), Critical point of view : a Wikipedia reader, Amsterdam, Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 110-118
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2011. The politics of forking paths. In Lovink, Geert; Tkacz, Nathaniel (eds.), Critical point of view : a Wikipedia reader, Amsterdam, Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 94-109
- Tkacz, Nathaniel, 2007. Old discourse, new object : Wikipedia. In Morley, Ian (ed.), The Value of Knowledge, Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 57-69
- Tessio, Novack, Tripp, James, Cámara-Menoyo, Carlos, 2023. The influence of socio-demographic factors on walkability perception ? results from a large-scale survey. Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23), Dortmund, Germany, 19?21 Sep 2023, Published in Transforming Places. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23), pp. 85-90
- Cámara-Menoyo, Carlos, Tripp, James, Turkay, Cagatay, 2022. Quarto : a library to run them all? A collaborative exercise to use, learn and assess quarto for authoring reproducible documents in different scenarios. RSE Con22 - The 6th Annual Conference for Research Software Engineering, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 7 Sep 2023
- Cowley, Robert, Barnett, Clive, Katzschner, Tania, Tkacz, Nathaniel, De Boeck, Filip, 2018. Forum : resilience & design. Resilience, Informa UK Limited, pp. 1-34
- Adkins, Lisa, Lury, Celia, 2012. Introduction : special measures. The Sociological Review, Blackwell, pp. 5-23
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Diversity in Data Visualization (DIVERSE CDT) led by City University - CDT Full Application see 74838 for 3.5 year budget of the project | EPSRC | 01 Jul 2024 | 30 Sept 2033 |
Can digital goods be neutral? Evaluating OpenStreetMap's equity through participatory data visualisation. (Digital Good Research Fund 2024, 'Evaluating the Digital Good': call for applications | ESRC | 01 Sept 2024 | 30 Jun 2025 |
Australian ARC discovery grant for Nathaniel Tkacz | Australian Research Council | 01 Jan 2022 | 31 Dec 2024 |
Comet 2 centre | Austrian Research Promotion Agency | 01 Jan 2021 | 31 Dec 2024 |
Digital photography: mediation, memory and visual communication | Australian Research Council | 01 Jan 2020 | 31 Dec 2023 |
What Aren't You Seeing (WAYS) | Alan Turing Institute | 01 Sept 2019 | 31 Mar 2023 |
Delivering Enhanced Biodiversity Information with Adaptive Citizen Science and Intelligent Digital Engagements (DECIDE) | NERC | 01 Oct 2020 | 31 Dec 2022 |
Personalisation | Wellcome Trust | 02 Oct 2017 | 07 Jul 2022 |
Waterproofing Data: engaging stakeholders in the sustainable governance of flood risks for urban resilience | ESRC | 01 Oct 2018 | 30 Sept 2021 |
Building capacity for integrated governance at the Food-Water-Energy-nexus in cities on the water | ESRC | 01 Apr 2018 | 30 Sept 2021 |
Mending the New: A Framework for Reconciliation Through Testimonial Digital Textiles in the Transition to Post-Conflict Rural Columbia (PI Maria Puig De La Bellacasa) | AHRC | 14 Sept 2018 | 31 Jul 2021 |
COVID-19 App Store and Data Flow Ecologies | ESRC | 17 Jun 2020 | 16 Dec 2020 |
Tensions and conflict between visualisation research software development and user's visualisation literacy | Alan Turing Institute | 01 Oct 2019 | 30 Sept 2020 |
Swarm Intelligence: insects, humans and information on the move (AHRC Follow on Funding) | AHRC | 18 Sept 2017 | 30 Sept 2019 |
Visual Diagnostics for Markov Chain Monte Carlo - BackFillz.R | Alan Turing Institute | 01 Nov 2018 | 31 May 2019 |
The War of the Locust: science, politics, culture and collaboration in the Anti-Locust Research Centre, 1940-45 | AHRC | 21 Sept 2016 | 20 Mar 2018 |
METODA - Methodological Explorations between Design and Social Sciences - Marie Curie Application for Henry Mainsah | European Commission | 01 Sept 2016 | 28 Feb 2018 |
Performances of Value: Competition and Competitions Inside and Outside Markets (International Network 2014) | Leverhulme Trust | 01 Nov 2015 | 30 Nov 2017 |
ESRC Professorial Fellowships 2012 - Order and Continuity: Methods for Change in a Topological Society | ESRC | 01 Oct 2013 | 31 Jul 2017 |
Materialising Number through Measure: Sensing, knowing and Participating | Goldsmiths College | 01 Jan 2012 | 31 Dec 2016 |
Interrogating the Dashboard: Data, Indicators and Decision-making (Transformative Research 2014) | ESRC | 01 Sept 2014 | 30 Apr 2016 |
Creative Temporal Costings: exploring the multiplicity of value through collaborative exchange with and within a creative timebank | AHRC | 01 Jun 2015 | 31 Aug 2015 |
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change | ESRC | 01 Jun 2013 | 30 Sept 2014 |
Materialising Number through Measure: Sensing, knowing and Participating - Amendment no 1 | Goldsmiths College | 21 Nov 2011 | 31 Dec 2013 |