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Show and Tell at Common Ground

Sampling Sounds of Coventry's Future:
Show and Tell event at Common Ground (29 October, 2021, Coventry)

Image of Tarla Patel and Jitey Samra Image of a person speaking in front of a screen

What does the future of Coventry sound like? This event, which was hosted by Common GroundLink opens in a new window, showcased sound works, films and an app that bring this question to life.

Artists, researchers and residents of Coventry presented visual and audio works they created over the summer to take the audience on an audio journey into a sampled future that featured fairies from Spencer Park, a once lost violin called the “Godivarius,” and the story behind a shop on Stoney Stanton Road. The five presentations were followed by sounds and music by DJs.


18:00 – Welcome and Introductions

18:05 – Small Folk Found Sounds, by Adele Reed

18:20 – Unheard City, by Iain Emsley

18:30 – “Godivarius: Lost and Found”, by Sarah Farmer

18:45 – Echoing sound, breadcrumbs of memory, by Laura Nyahuye

19:00 – Break for food and drink

19:30 – North Side of The City, by Jitey Samra and Tarla Patel

19:45 – Canley Brook Trespass (By Ear), by Naomi Waltham-Smith and Jonathan Skinner

20:00 – Sampling the Future Sound of Coventry, by Natsu

20:15 – Music and mixing (Paul Le Keux et al)