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Warwick Centre for Complexity Science Newsletter 

Events 2016-17
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Winter Graduation 2017

Congratulations to our second MathSys cohort who graduated from their Masters programme on 20th January. Dario Papavassiliou and Leigh Robinson were awarded their PhDs, and the last cohort of Erasmus Mundus Masters in Complex Systems Science students were awarded their degrees from both Warwick and our partner institutions: Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and Gothenburg and Chalmers Universities in Gothenburg. Many students came over from various parts of the world: Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Kazakhstan and Rwanda, to be at the ceremony. In addition to the official University proceeding, there was also a congratulatory lunch celebration in the Centre where family and friends joined the students in celebrating their success.

Mon 06 Feb 2017, 11:10 | Tags: EM MSc, EPSRC

First MathSys Masters graduates and Complexity Graduation

Congratulations to our first MathSys cohort who graduated from their Masters programme. Standards were high: eleven received distinctions and three were awarded a merit. Daniel Sprague and Davide Michieletto were awarded their PhDs and the 2013-15 Erasmus Mundus Masters in Complex Systems Science students were awarded their degrees from both Warwick and our partner institutions: Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and Gothenburg and Chalmers Universities in Gothenburg. Several students came over from Europe and one student even flew from South Africa to be at the ceremony and lunch celebration in the Centre. Many family and friends joined the students in celebrating their success.

Wed 27 Jan 2016, 11:04 | Tags: EM MSc, EPSRC

Winter 2014 Graduations for Complexity Science

Centre for Complexity Science graduating PhD,MSc and Erasmus Mundus Students

Tue 28 Jan 2014, 11:07 | Tags: EM MSc, staff

Applications for Erasmus Mundus Masters in Complex Systems Science Now Closed

Applications for Autumn 2013 entry to the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Complex Systems Science closed on the 7th January 2013. We expect to be able to contact applcants regarding initial outcomes of thier applications by early March 2013. Applications for study starting in 2014 will open in late Summer 2013.

Tue 08 Jan 2013, 09:09 | Tags: EM MSc, applications