Recent Work
Working on an out-of-equilibrium model of trading both from an analytical angle, deriving asymptotic results, and numerical angle. This poster from ECCS 2009 gives a general introduction to the questions/structure of the model, approaching things from a "complexity" rather than "economics" viewpoint which may be good or bad depending on who you are. The key distinctive features of the model are:
“Zero” information: contrary to most economic models we assume agents do not know much about other agents. In particular they do not know other agent’s utility functions or bundles; they make and receive offers.
Cautious Trading: Given agent’s lack of information they do not act in anticipation of uncertain future utility, they will only make trades which immediately improve their situation.
Selected References
A few references to related work.
[1] Robert Axtell. The complexity of exchange. The Economic Journal, 115(504):F193–F210, June 2005.
[2] Allan Feldman. Bilateral trading processes, pairwise optimality, and pareto optimality. The Review of Economic Studies, 40:463–473, 1973.
[3] Duncan K. Foley. Statistical equilibrium in economics: Method, interpretation, and an example. 1999.
[4] Douglas Gale. Strategic Foundations of General Equilibrium. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
[5] Herbert Gintis. The emergence of a price system from decentralized bilateral exchange. Contributions to Theoretical Economics, 6(1):1302–1302, 2006.
[6] Herbert Gintis. The dynamics of general equilibrium. Economic Journal, 117(523):1280–1309, October 2007.
[7] Dhananjay K. Gode and Shyam Sunder. Allocative efficiency of markets with zero intelligence traders: Market as a partial substitute for individual rationality. The Journal of Political Economy, 101(1):119–137, February 1993.
See also
Research events for a list of research events I've taken part in/attended.
MSc projects for details of work done in my first year at Warwick.
CV my CV, growing increasingly out of date.