- Algebraic and Categorical Models,
- Automata Theory, Formal Languages,
- Emerging and Non-standard Models of Computation,
- Databases, Semi-Structured Data and Finite Model Theory,
- Principles of Programming Languages,
- Logics, Formal Methods and Model Checking,
- Models of Concurrent, Distributed, and Mobile Systems,
- Models of Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems,
- Program Analysis and Transformation,
- Specification, Refinement and Verification,
- Type Systems and Theory, Typed Calculi.
PC members:
- James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
- Bob Coecke, University of Oxford
- Pierre-Louis Curien, Université Paris 7
- Ugo Dal Lago, University of Bologna
- Javier Esparza, TU München
- Philippa Gardner, Imperial College London
- Erich Grädel , RWTH Aachen University
- Daniel Hirschkoff, ENS Lyon
- Bart Jacobs, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Bartek Klin, University of Warsaw
- Aleksandar Nanevski, Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies
- Flemming Nielson , TU Denmark
- Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge (chair)
- Arend Rensink, University of Twente
- Davide Sangiorgi, University of Bologna
- Carsten Schürmann, ITU Copenhagen
- Nicole Schweikardt, University of Frankfurt am Main
- Andrzej Tarlecki, University of Warsaw
- Björn Victor, Uppsala University
- Igor Walukiewicz, Université de Bordeaux
- Thomas Wilke, Kiel University
- James Worrell, University of Oxford