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Podcast series

Podcast series

The 'Student Innovation at Warwick' podcast series explores how University of Warwick departments embrace innovation.

Episode#1- Des Hewitt

Virtual and Blended Learning with Dr. Des Hewitt (Head of Primary and Early Years' Teacher Education in the Centre of Teacher Education at Warwick).

We discuss the role of cross-disciplinary innovations in education and we try to understand what has been Covid-19’s impact on the education system this year.

Episode#2- James Archbold

Design Projects with Dr. James Archbold (Senior Teaching Fellow at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick).

We focus on the collaboration between the Department of Computer Science and Deutsche Bank and we try to answer the following questions: why are design projects important? And how can students benefit from these projects?

Episode#3- Teresa MacKinnon

Virtual and Blended Learning with Teresa MacKinnon and Claude Trégoat (Associate Professors at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Warwick), Dr. Marcin Kleban (Teacher Trainer and Lecturer at the Jagiellonian University in Poland) and Simon Ensor (English Teacher at the University of Clermont-Auvergne in France).

We try to answer the following questions: why is virtual and blended learning important? How can students benefit from open collaboration?”

Episode#4- Kate Owen

Creative Projects with Dr. Kate Owen (Associate Clinical Professor at Warwick Medical School).

These are the questions we try to address during our conversation: what’s the role of collaborative research projects in education? And what’s the role of design thinking and creativity in education?

Episode#5- Heather Meyer

Non Standard Learning and Assessment Methods with Dr. Heather Meyer (Teaching Fellow at IATL).

We will try to answer the following questions: what are non-standard teaching, learning and assessment methods? Why are these important for students?

Episode#6- Chloe Agg

Design Projects with Chloe Agg (Senior Teaching Fellow at the School of Engineering at Warwick).

During the session, we discuss the role of design projects in education we try to understand what has been covid-19’s impact on students taking part of these projects how can design projects foster innovation?

Episode#7- Dr Oksana Trushkevych

Interdisciplinarity with Dr. Oksana Trushkevych (Senior Research Fellow in the Ultrasonics Group at the Department of Physics here at Warwick).

We discuss the role of interdisciplinarity in education the module IL016 The Science of Music, which is a fantastic example of what interdisciplinary education is as the module connects the dots between music and physics we try to understand what’s the importance of interdisciplinarity Does interdisciplinarity foster innovation?

Department of Physics

Episode#8- Dr Elena Riva

Interdisciplinarity with Dr. Elena Riva (Associate Professor & Director of Studies at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning at Warwick).

We discuss what is well-being and mental-health? why is it important in student-life? what’s the role of technology in mental health? Does technology just negatively affect our wellbeing and mental health?

Episode#9- Dr Ric Crossman

Interdisciplinarity with Dr. Ric Crossman (Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics at Warwick).

We discuss what is work-based learning? how does work-based learning fit within the education system? intercalated years do intercalated years encourage students to develop innovative and enterprising skills?

Episode#10- Dr Abby Kendrick

Interdisciplinarity with Dr. Abby Kendrick (Senior Teaching Fellow in Political Economy and Director of Personal Development for PPE at Warwick).

We discuss what is interdisciplinarity? why is interdisciplinary education important ? what are the challenges for students who take interdisciplinary modules? what’s the role of interdisciplinarity within the innovation sphere?

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