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October 2021

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Featured calls
IAS News

Featured Calls

IAS Early Career Fellowships 

The Early Career Fellowship offers completing Warwick PhD candidates support and training to build an independent academic career. 
Deadline Midday 1 December 2021, with Fellowships commencing April 2022. 

The second call for EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowships is live.  
This scheme offers a two-year fellowship, based at one of the EUTOPIA European University partners, to support the development of an independent academic career. 

This scheme provides an opportunity for Warwick’s postdoctoral researchers to take a major step towards an independent career, as well as providing a mechanism for academic departments to bring the best early career researchers to Warwick in order to establish their academic career. 

There will be an information webinar on 17/11/21 (register on the Eutopia scheme website) and an optional pre-application stage to allow potential applicants to find an academic mentor.  
The final deadline for submission of proposals: Monday, 10 January 2022  


Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Bringing our 2021 series of publications to a close with a record fourth issue, Exchanges is delighted to announce the imminent release of volume 9(1) of the journal. This issue as always presents a range of pieces on topics as wide-ranging as Norbert Elias and time, Samuel Becket, microbial rivers, public engagement with the GMO debate and the challenges faced by early career scholars in publishing or research. Alongside future regular issues, work is advancing on three special issues expected to be published throughout 2022 and into early 2022.
The new issue of the journal will go live from Thursday (28th Oct) afternoon and can be accessed on its website and via a DOI link:
Exchanges as a journal is dedicated to supporting and propagating research discourse primarily, but not exclusively, from early career scholars around the globe. Framed in an interdisciplinary mode, articles are intended to be read by a broad academic audience. The journal also has a strong developmental ethos, embraced within its editorial culture and increasing authorial development outreach activities. The journal’s operations are managed by an Editor-in-Chief based at the IAS, and supported with an Editorial Board network associated with institutions comprising Warwick’s global research partners. Contact the journal at:
Exchanges Discourse: Forthcoming Episodes
It is expected a number of episodes of the popular Exchanges Discourse podcast will feature to be released over the remainder of 2021, will feature interviews and discussions with authors appearing in this and earlier volumes from this year. You can catch up with past episodes of the podcast at:


Accolade, the IAS's twice-weekly flagship training and events programme designed to help IAS Fellows establish an independent academic career, has started for the 21/22 academic year. 
Co-created, facilitated and constantly updated with Fellows, Warwick staff and external consultants, it is a participatory programme of research webinars, training events and panel discussions.

So far this term we have talked about aspirations with Nicola Jones from Athena Professional and explored our strengths with Anne Wilson, Head of Careers at the University. We have also heard from fourof our Early Career Fellows as part of the research webinar series. 

Find out more about our Autumn Programme and how you can participate. You can receive invitations to sessions by joining us at the IAS.

Dr. Dian Million presents: "Be like the wind--or better, like water: Indigenous resistance to racial capitalism’s forever wars"

Researchers @ RICH, Radboud University, and the Decolonial/Postcolonial Working Group @ IAS, University of Warwick, present a special guest talk by Dian Million, (Tanana), Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair, Department of American Indian Studies, University of Washington.

Dian Million’s talk is part of a short online lecture series called Voices on Indigenous Dispossession and Reclamations. This series of events is organised by Dr Doro Wiese, supported by the European Union and the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, and in cooperation with Dr. Laura De Vos and Dr. Mathilde Roza, Radboud University, as well as the Decolonial/Postcolonial Working Group at the University of Warwick. This series hopes to demonstrate that it is paramount to examine Indigenous dispossession and to make it a central category when analysing the political economy of settler-colonial societies. It searches for and establishes alternative ways of organising life and living well, especially for and by Indigenous intellectuals.

You can register for this event here.


Associate Fellow and previous Early Career Fellow, Federico Testa, has announced that his translation of Jean-Marie Guyau's Ethics of Epicurus is now out! 


International Partnership Fund

The International Strategy and Relations Team is now welcoming applications to the second round of the International Partnership Fund. The fund aims to strengthen or initiate exchange between Warwick researchers/educators and their counterparts from leading international universities or institutes by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research, organize meetings, conferences, or workshops.

Applicants are able to request funding for either 1 or 2 years. All successful awards will start on 1 January 2022 with 2-years awards completing no later than 31 December 2023. Funding up to the value of £3,500 (Europe) or £5,000 (rest of the world) per 12 months is available. The deadline for applications to be received via the online application system is 21 November 2021



Associate Fellowships awarded to: 

Maria Brunetti – Physics 
Zofia Bednarowska-Michaiel – Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) 

If you would like to get involved, join the IAS community or apply for funding please refer to our current schemes.

Copyright © 2019 IAS, University of Warwick, All rights reserved. Created 21 November 2019

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