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Dr Stefano Milonia


WIRL-COFUND Fellow 2019-2021

As a Romance philologist, my main interests are medieval European lyric, manuscript studies, music, and digital humanities. My research at the University of Warwick aims to reveal the translingual and interconnected nature of medieval Romance lyric by looking at musical imitations occurring across four different repertoires: Italian, French, Occitan, and Galician-Portuguese lyric. In the Middle Ages melodic imitation was an essential part of artistic creation: old melodies were constantly borrowed by new authors (a practice known as contrafaction). Since poets traveled from court to court, tracing the connections between melodies allows us to walk through their itineraries, creating a map of literary relationships.

I graduated with a degree in Romance philology at Sapienza Università di Roma, specializing in Old French and Old Occitan language and literature, with a comparative and interdisciplinary approach. I obtained my joint Doctorate degree in Scienze del Testo from Sapienza and PSL - École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris with a dissertation dedicated to the critical edition of the songs with music of the troubadour Peirol.

In 2016 I was an Ingénieur d'études for the CNRS in Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès where I worked on the digital edition of the music of manuscript BnF fr. 22543; in 2018-2019 I was a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge.

Areas of Research

  • Old French and Occitan
  • Medieval Italian Literature
  • Ecdotics, Textual Criticism, Manuscript Studies
  • Medieval Music
  • Digital Humanities
  • 21st Century Poetry

Selected Publications


  • Rima e melodia nell’arte allusiva dei trovatori (Roma: Nuova Cultura - Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali, 2016).

Refereed Articles

  • ‘The Castaway and the Soothsayer: Traces of the Old Testament in the Prehistory of the Tristan En Prose’, Medium Ævum, 90/2, 2021, pp. 275-299.

  • ‘« La chanson un peu particulière de Richard Cœur de Lion ». L'enjeu de la musique dans la définition du genre de la "rotrouenge"’, Textus & Musica, 2, 2020.
  • ‘Cavalli Cavalcanti. Il medioevo ritrovato nella poesia di Giulia Martini’, Polisemie: Rivista di poesia iper-contemporanea, I, 2020, pp. 3-21.
  • ‘Peirol, Coras que·m fezes doler (BdT 366.9)’, Lecturae tropatorum, 12, 2019, pp. 159-189.
  • [with Elisa Verzilli] ‘Tradizione testuale e tradizione musicale nelle liriche del Castellano di Coucy’, in Ch. Chaillou-Amadieu, O. Floquet, M. Grimaldi (dir.), Philologie et musicologie. Des sources à l’interprétation poético-musicale (XIIe-XVIe siècle) (Paris: Garnier, 2019), pp. 81-112.
  • ‘Peirol. Primi passi verso una nuova edizione critica’, in Antonelli, Roberto / Videsott, Paul / Glessgen, Martin, 2018, Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza (Roma, 18-23 luglio 2016) (Strasbourg: Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane, 2018), pp. 1176-1787.
  • ‘Riccardo Cuor di Leone, Ja nuns hons pris ne dira sa raison. Una proposta di edizione critica’, Critica del Testo, XX/2, 2017, pp. 243-300.
  • ‘«Tu se’ morto». Riflessione sulle condizioni di esistenza dell’Io nella Commedia’, Strumenti Critici, XXXI/3 (n. 142), 2016, pp. 241-268.

Participation in Projects

Connecting Medieval MusicLink opens in a new window (University of Warwick, Principal Investigator)

Medieval MelodyLink opens in a new window (Principal Investigator)

Laboratorio di Lirica Medievale RomanzaLink opens in a new window (Sapienza Università di Roma, Responsible for the sections 'Troubadours' and 'Music')

Polisemie: Rivista di poesia iper-contemporaneaLink opens in a new window (University of Warwick Press, co-founder and director)

TMAO: Trésor Manuscrit de l'Ancien Occitan (CNRS, Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès)

Conference and Seminar Organization

TwentyTwenty Extended Conference: Interpreting 21st Century PoetryLink opens in a new window January-May 2021 (International online conference, Co-convener)

Cambridge Medieval Literature and Culture Seminar 2018-2019Link opens in a new window (Co-convener)

Polisemie: Seminari di poesia iper-contemporanea 2019Link opens in a new window (Sapienza Università di Roma, co-convener)


Polisemie: Festival di poesia iper-contemporaneaLink opens in a new window (Sapienza Università di Roma 24 May 2019, Project director)