Vacation Schools
No Call for Applications in 2022
There will be no call for Summer School applications in 2021, instead we will be supporting those Vacation Schools awarded in previous rounds which could not take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will now be delivered in the summer of 2023.
Scheme Objectives
The scheme provides support for research focused residential training that hosts Warwick-based and/or international early career researchers and enables attendees to gain new understanding of emerging fields of scholarly analysis in dialogue with a team of more senior researchers - including both Warwick staff and external academics and experts. The length and format of the activity can be tailored to the requirements of the training objectives.
The proposed Vacation School should focus on specific research questions, methodologies and/or themes linked to emerging and or current activities at Warwick. In addition, it may be designed to complement department/University postgraduate recruitment strategies; draw attention to research potential of facilities/expertise; promote new collaborations with stakeholders; address economic or societal impact agendas; or disseminate the findings of a major programme of research among a cohort of early career researchers.
Applications must be led by a permanent member of academic (including probationary) staff. It is expected that proposals will normally involve participation of more than a single Warwick academic staff member and will make appropriate use of distinguished researchers and other experts from outside the University.
This scheme is intended to be sufficiently flexible to respond to the distinctive needs and resources of a wide range of research fields. The proposal should focus on doctoral (not Masters-level) students and/or recent recipients of their PhD (normally within 3 years of receipt of their doctorate).
The maximum IAS contribution for a residential Vacation School is £10,000 (based at Warwick) and £12,000 if based at Warwick in Venice. Applicants are expected to have identified other sources of funding or be charging attendance fees in order to deliver a comprehensive programme of activity. The award can be used to cover travel and accommodation for experts as well as bursaries for attendees, postgraduate assistance, room hire, catering, publicity, trips and resources associated with the delivery of the Vacation School.
Review Criteria
- Significance and relevance to Warwick’s research profile
- Ability to enhance the research training of Warwick-based early career scholars
- Extent to which the Vacation School extends beyond training normally available
- Contribution to the interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary training of researchers
- Ability to enhance Warwick’s international reputation as a base for PhD/postdoctoral training
- Scope to promote career development of early career researchers through networking and other activities
The funding decision is expected to be made 5 weeks after the application deadline.
Vacation Schools are expected to last between 3-5 days. Applications should specify in which academic year it will take place and can only be held in a single financial year (between 1 August – 31 July).
All expenditure must be recorded in the University accounts (SAP) by 31 July in the same academic year in which the award is valid. It is the responsibility of the award holder to ensure that expenditure has been appropriately recorded. The award holder’s department will be responsible for any over expenditure and/or late claims.
Application Procedure
The Vacation School scheme provides up to £12K to support the delivery of research-orientated residential workshops geared toward early career researchers. To apply please complete the application form and submit online.
Please fill this Equal Opportunities survey as a part of your application.