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Apply for an IAS Visiting Professorship/Associate Professorship

Deadline for Applications

The first call for IAS Visiting Professorship/Associate Professorship is now closed. The next call will be in October 2024.

Please note that the Visiting Fellowship review process takes time; therefore please only apply if your visit is 5 months after the deadline.

Review Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed by a small college comprising representatives of IAS and relevant academic or other colleagues. Applications will be assessed on:

  • Quality of the proposed Fellow(s) contribution to their field, as attested by CV
  • The ability of the programme to advance collaborative research activities
  • Breadth and/or depth of research constituency at Warwick to which the proposed Fellow will appeal
  • The ability of programme events to enrich the research environment across a wide range of departments/audiences
  • Quality of the proposed activities the fellow will undertake remotely

Terms and Conditions of Visiting Fellowship

As part of the Visiting Fellowship Scheme, the nominator and host departments are responsible for the following:

  • Booking travel for the visiting fellow to Warwick.
  • Booking taxi services for the visiting fellow during their stay at Warwick.
  • Completing all the relevant forms and collecting visiting fellow information and sending these to the IAS. (PR4 forms, RTA forms, bank details and Visiting Fellow information)
  • Collecting feedback from the visiting fellows and submitting the Visiting Fellow Final Report.

Application Guidelines

All nominations must be made by a permanent Warwick academic staff member (including probationary staff) or holder of a fellowship awarded by an external funder (the duration of which extends beyond the proposed activity). The Nominator/Principal Applicant is expected to be present during the tenure of the Fellowship and is responsible for liaising with the nominated Fellow prior to the submission of the application and coordinating their events.

All applications, CVs and letters of support must be saved in the following format:


Application Procedure

The following documents should be submitted using the Microsoft form below:

  1. A completed application form, making sure it has been signed by the Head of Department and Departmental Administrator.
  2. A CV (maximum 4 pages, in English) for the proposed Fellow highlighting any publications, activities or achievements that are especially relevant to this application.
  3. A letter of support (or email) from the proposed Fellow's home institution, written and signed by a Head of Department, Head of School or senior level colleague within the institution. The letter should provide support for the visit and confirmation of the fellow's position at the institution.
  4. Complete the Equal Opportunities survey 
*Please note application outcome takes up to 8 working weeks from the closing date.*