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IAS Annual Report 2017

In 2017, the IAS at the University of Warwick celebrated its 10th anniversary.

During 2015-16 the IAS supported over 100 events, welcomed 26 new Early Career Fellows and provided funding for 20 interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research projects. The Institute also welcomed a 40 International Visiting Fellows and Residential Fellows from around the world.

In the past year the Institute has laid the foundation for wider internal and international collaborations, in particular in setting up the new WIRL-COFUND postdoctroal fellowship scheme, supported by a Marie Curie COFUND grant. The IAS is now ready to start a new programme of activities that will bring a number of international researchers to Warwick, thus further enhancing the University’s research profile.

This Annual Report and the website provide a summary of the Institute’s many initiatives in particular in relation to supporting academic research; engagement with the interdisciplinary postdoctoral community; and the development of University-wide projects.

If you require a hard copy of the Annual Report sent out to you please contact us.

Alternatively you can download a pdf version of the Annual Report.