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The Internationalisation of Research (IOR2018)

On 17 May 2018 at WBS London, the Shard, London, the third Annual IAS Symposium addressed different elements of international research. Hosted at the Warwick Business School London campus in The Shard, the event provided an opportunity to discuss the challenges and benefits of researching in a global environment. Four panels discussed the changing global research environment, how funders and the academy are meeting this change, and the impact this has on the academic community.



10:00 - 11:00 | Arrival, Registration & Coffee

11:00 – 12:00 | Panel 1: The Future of Global Research in the Post-Brexit Era

The environment in which UK research is carried out is changing. In this session discussants will consider the new and future challenges and opportunities facing academics, collaborations, universities and the wider research community.

Panel: Julianna Bertazzo (Embassy of Brazil), Claire O'Malley (Durham University), Simon Swain (Warwick), Christine Wilson (British Council)

12:00 – 13:00 | Panel 2: Research & the Transnational University

Since their conception universities have been national in their outlook. However, they are increasingly employing different strategies to engage with research on an international scale through strategic alliances, overseas campuses and institutional “cloning”. Speakers in this panel will discuss the benefits and challenges to the notion of a “Transnational University”.

Panel: Arnaud Lefranc (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), Jane Ohlmeyer (Trinity College Dublin), Lawrence Young (Warwick)

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 | Panel 3: Mobility in International Academic Careers

Academics are increasingly internationally mobile. This mobility can come from several drivers, through choice or by necessity. In this session speakers will give their individual perspectives on mobility throughout their careers; why they have moved to different countries and sometime continents and how this has influenced their professional lives.

Panel: Marco Cinelli (Singapore-ETH Centre), Emily Henderson (Warwick), Emma Smith (Warwick) Stephen Wordsworth (Cara)

15:00 – 16:00 | Panel 4: A Global Perspective on Research Funding

Some funding schemes which address research questions of global relevance, including the UK government’s Global Challenges, are focused on national or continental academy. With these areas of research requiring international collaboration and therefore international funding, this panel considers the changing perspectives on how best to support research globally.

Panel: Penny Egan (Fulbright Commission), Wendy Larner (Victoria University of Wellington), Peter Scott (Warwick)

16:00 – 16:30 | Close