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Academic, Woman, Other: A Roundtable and Zine-Making Workshop

Academic, Woman, Other: A Roundtable and Zine-Making Workshop.

Tuesday 7th March 2023, IAS Seminar Room C0.02, Zeeman Building


IWD 2023

12.00 -1.00 pm: Networking Lunch

1.00 - 2.00 pm: Roundtable (Hybrid)

theme 2023

2.30 - 4.00 pm: Zine-Making Workshop (In-person Only)

Open to people of all genders from across the University!

In honour of International Women’s Day, the IAS is hosting an open roundtable and zine-making workshop. The roundtable will be an open forum for participants to discuss how their respective identity/ies have impacted the way they move through the world of academia. Participants are invited to discuss their own experiences, as well as more general challenges and potential solutions for promoting equity and equal access in their respective fields. This will be framed as an informal and community-led conversation, and is open to anyone at the University. The themes discussed during the roundtable will then form provocations and inspiration for creating your very own zine during the zine-making workshop. This workshop will be a hands-on introduction to the concept and basics of the zine, allowing participants to create a tangible memento of the community-making we hope to inspire in the roundtable.

While the focus will be on gender identity, we must recognize that this does not exist in a vacuum – therefore we are eager to hear how race, class, nationality, dis/ability, job status, caring responsibilities, mobility, and other intersecting issues interact with participants’ experiences of the academe. We are also particularly keen for those who identity as men to participate in these conversations, in recognition that “women’s issues” affect men, also – we all need to be a part of the conversation when discussing more equitable futures.

Please register here, and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 7th of March.
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