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Brazilian Social Thought Network Organisers

Federico Testa (coordinator) is a British Academy Postodoctoral Fellow at the School of Modern Languages of the University of Bristol. He obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Warwick and Monash University. He has been an Associate Fellow and an an Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Warwick, a Postgraduate Fellow at the EUI (Italy), and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (‘Jovem Talento no Exterior’) at PUC-Rio (Brazil). His current research focuses on twentieth-century philosophy (especially the politics of life in Foucault and Canguilhem) and social theory. He is beginning a new research project on the figure of the committed intellectual in the twentieth century, and he is interested in Latin-American political thinking, social movements and the issue of political organisation.

Manoela Carpenedo (coordinator) is a Brazilian social scientist and ethnographer. Her research interests focus on topics related to politics, gender and religious dynamics in the global South. She is a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Latin American Studies at School of Advanced Studies, University of London. She holds a Mphil and PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge. Manoela is currently finalising her debut book: Becoming Jewish believing in Jesus: Judaizing Evangelicals in Brazil under contract with Oxford University Press (New York).

Giulia Champion is an Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow at the University of Warwick. She is part of the Warwick University Environmental Humanities Network Coordinating Team. Her doctoral research focused on extractivism and considered how the acceleration and exacerbation of climate change in the Americas can be traced through the history of colonialism and imperialism. She is currently working on transdisciplinary climate change communication, material histories and energy humanities. She recently co-edited a collection entitled Ethical Futures and Global Science Fiction with Palgrave Macmillan, published in February 2020, one entitled Interdisciplinary Essays on Cannibalism: Bites Here and There, forthcoming with Routledge and another one on with Bloomsbury provisionally entitled (An)Other Zombie Project: Decolonising the Undead. She is currently working on two journal special issues one, on “Activism and Academia in Latin America” with the Bulletin of Latin American Research and another one on “Animal Futurity” with Green Letters.