MSc Humanitarian Engineering with Sustainability
Ideal for students with a keen interest and background in Engineering, with its focus on renewable energy, sustainable cities, and infrastructures for emergencies.
Core modules
- ES99A-15 Humanitarian Engineering: Ethics, Theory and Practices
- ES99B-15 An Introduction to Global Health
- ES99C-15 Water and Environmental Management
- ES99D-15 One Humanity; Shared Responsibility
- ES99E-15 Urban Resilience, Disasters and Data
- ES99F-15 Renewable Energy
- ES99J-45 Project
Specialist core modules
- ES99H-15 Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies
- ES99L-15 Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering
Optional modules
- IL915-15 Humanitarian Law
- IL924-15 Design Thinking for Social Impact
- HR933-15 Challenges to Global Food Security
- IL926-15 Public Engagement
Tianjin Eco-city
The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city's vision is to be a thriving city which is socially harmonious, environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient. It is a flagship cooperation project between the governments of Singapore and China.
Explore how cooperations such as this are developed in our Urban Development lecture within our Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies Module.
This lecture features smart technology, eco-cities and inner-city regeneration schemes, mixed-use developments and multi-model transport interchanges with associated community, heritage or tourism facilities. Approaches to architecture, planning, design and the future of transportation will be presented.
Study programme
- 6 core modules
- 2 specialist core modules
- 1 optional module
- Project
COURSE COMPARISONLink opens in a new window
Which pathway will you take to play a pivotal role in the solution of global humanitarian challenges?
Need help choosing, compare all three pathways to find the route that suits you best.