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Paper Sessions - Videos

(Video clip) = video footage available to view online. Some images have been blurred for rights reasons.


Panel A1 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) Architecture Beyond Building: Alternatives to the Human-made Environment
Neringa Julia Visockyte, University of Essex

(Video clip) Complications Translating Enid Blyton
Imogen Poole, University of Birmingham

The Changing Grounds for Divorce in Hindu Family Law in India: Is Cruelty becoming the Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage?
Tara Narula, University of Warwick

(Video clip) An investigation into the perceptions of older males and females over the age of fifty years living in areas of urban deprivation, on the benefits that community gardening brings to their physical and mental health and wellbeing
Annette Aiken, University of Central Lancashire

Panel A2 | Theme: Energy and Innovation

Risk Reduction Strategies in a Disaster-prone Developing Country: Disaster Management at a community level in Jamaica
Annabelle Wilson, University of Chester

Recycling in the Hotel Industry
Lucy Vierbergen, Bournemouth University

Next Generation Renewable Power Sources: Developing High Performance Dye Sensitised Solar Cells
Grace Lowe, University of Nottingham
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Development of Platinum-free Dye-sensitized Solar Cells']

Determinants of successful implementation of environmental policies across London universities: The role of information, education and incentives
Stavros Stavrikkos and Tam Minh Trinh, London School of Economics

Panel A3 | Theme: Global Governance and International Development

(Video clip) To explore the role the Commonwealth Games in 2002 had on the urban regeneration in East Manchester
Daniel Taylor, University of Chester

(Video clip) "The Scottish hate us more than the Muslims..." - The North/South Divide: A Comparative Study of the Development and Growth of the English and Scottish Defence Leagues
Ruari Shaw Sutherland, University of Strathclyde
[Related Reinvention journal article: ''The Scottish hate us more than the Muslims...': The North/South Divide? A Comparative Analysis of the Agenda, Activities and Development of the English and Scottish Defence Leagues']

(Video clip) Politicians in Wigs - Exchanging Executions for Votes in the United States
Steven Hare, University of Warwick

Panel A4 | Theme: Health and Wellbeing

(Video clip) A Study into Reading for Wellbeing
Helen Mulhern and Sarah Liew, University of Nottingham

(Video clip) 'Fighting Back': Voluntary Hospitals and the Oxford and District Joint Hospital Board, 1937-1946
Tara Bentley, Oxford Brookes University

(Video clip) NLRC4: matchsticks for triggering pyroptosis
Nita Andreia Florina, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania

(Video clip) Shedding light on the shapes of proteins
Samantha Smith, University of Nottingham

Panel A5 | Theme: Individual Behaviour

Social behaviour in captive reticulated giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata): Analysis of enclosure use and social interactions between giraffes housed at Whipsnade Zoo
Stephanie Perry, University of Plymouth

(Video clip) Enhancing Performance; Employing analysis of animal athletes to enhance the student experience and performance
Jacqueline Boyd, Nottingham Trent University

(Video clip) "There Are No Punks in Lithuania": The Meaning of "Punk" in Lithuanian Context and its Importance in Forming an Identity of a Punk Rock Scene
Gabija Didziokaite, University of Warwick


Panel B1 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) The Topographical Characteristics of Bath and their Influence in Eighteenth Century Literature
John Blackmore, University of Warwick

Swedish speakers can understand Old English vocabulary better than Modern English speakers - A study into language contact and its effect on English
Priyanka Sinha, University of Kent

The Passengers' Perspective: A study of the Linguistic Landscape of Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Matthew Williamson, University of Liverpool

(Video clip) The Deserving Poor?
Louise Smith, University of Central Lancashire

Panel B2 | Theme: Energy and Innovation

(Video clip) Creating digital content for portable planetariums
Thanh Giang Tran, University of Warwick

(Video clip) The Quantified Self
Sarah Lewington, Catherine Lamb and Clare Smith, Nottingham Trent University

(Video clip) The New Face of News: Indian Television Journalism in English and the Normalisation of Neo-Liberalism
Nirupa Rao, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Applications of 3D Digital Methods in Nautical Archaeology: The Barland's Farm Romano-Celtic Boat, A Case Study
Selina Ali, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David

Panel B3 | Theme: Global Governance and International Development

(Video clip) Omnium Contra Omnes: Causal relations of ethnical conflicts to establishing democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jure Jerić, University of Warwick

(Video clip) What is the Dominant Role of Project Management for the Transfer of Large Businesses into Global Organisations?
Joanna Cinis, Blackpool and the Fylde College and Lancaster University

Africa and the Global Land Grab: The Politics of Investment in Sierra Leone
Ingvild Mostad, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Street signs, Mayors and language policy: an analysis of the linguistic landscape of Aix-en-Provence
Helen Rhodes, University of Liverpool

Panel B4 | Theme: Health and Wellbeing

(Video clip) The Effect of Topoisomerase II Inhibition on Genome Organisation and Stability
Chenchen Song, University of Birmingham

(Video clip) Computer Simulation and Analysis of Gas Flow in the Human Lung Model
Adrian Thomas, University of Warwick

(Video clip) A systematic review to assess the quality of support and education in end-of-life care for intensive care nurses
Lucy Ryan, University of Nottingham

(Video clip) Using yeast as an in vitro screening tool to identify compounds which have potential applications in cancer therapy
Afton Turner, University of Central Lancashire

Panel B5 | Theme: Individual Behaviour

A Study to explore the effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement as an effective event marketing technique
Esther Knox, Bournemouth University

(Video clip) Freedom as responsibility: Coleridge's resistance to conceptualisations of individual-sovereignty and its relevance to the contemporary failure of the neoliberal paradigm
David Reed, University of Warwick

(Video clip) The sociology of breastfeeding: factors that influence a woman's decision to breastfeed
Claire Glenton, Staffordshire University

"A father is for life, not just conception"?
Joanna Harwood, University of Warwick

Panel B6 | Theme: Research - The Next Generation

(Video clip) Youth Services: Listening to Youth
Sue Bond-Taylor, Bradley Payne, Erena Rawlins, Matt Burrows, Serena Dama and Hannah Wheeler, University of Lincoln
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Youth Services: Listening to Youth?']



Panel C1 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) An investigation into whether a relationship can be established between th-fronting and gender in the urban locality of Nottingham
Danielle Wood-Wallace, Nottingham Trent University

(Video clip) Sustainability of the community: reconception and measurement
Malika Bouazzaoui and Jiazhe Zhu, London School of Economics

(Video clip) UK Film Tourism: The Significance of perceptions in the international market
Rachael Oliver, Sheffield Hallam University

(Video clip) Memory and Recovery: Post-Conflict Theatre in Russia
Judith Durkin, University of Warwick

Panel C2 | Theme: Energy and Innovation

(Video clip) Sugar Powered Catalysis for Sustainable Synthesis
James Adams, University of Nottingham

(Video clip) Assessing flood risk perception and modelling future flood risk in Egginton, Derbyshire
John Kreft, University of Chester

Understanding the Contribution of Biometrics to Games User Research
Sebastian Long, University of Sussex

(Video clip) Supramolecular assembly at surfaces
Cerianne Partridge, University of Warwick

Panel C3 | Theme: Global Governance and International Development

(Video clip) Constitution Making in Egypt
Burc Kostem, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Teaching English without textbooks in Zanzibar: a study on the problems and some possible solutions
Elise St-Hill, University of Central Lancashire

(Video clip) Explaining democracy in Brazil: what have the most influential factors in the country's transition to and consolidation of democracy been?
Giulia Ciliotta Bezada, University of Warwick

(Video clip) In what way did the failure to capture Germania affect Rome's external policy?
Zachary Atkins, University of Reading

Panel C4 | Theme: Health and Wellbeing

(Video clip) Increasing the efficiency and sustainability of anti-malarial drug production in developing countries
Joshua Pilkington, University of Nottingham

Epidemiology of Child Head Injury in Coventry & Warwickshire
Sara Mills, University of Warwick

(Video clip) CHiPS (Clinical Hazards in Patient Safety): Introducing Error to the Medical Curriculum
Adrian Hayes, University of Warwick

(Video clip) MicroRNA Silencing in Prostate Cancer
Andrew Mcwilliam, The University of Nottingham

Panel C5 | Theme: Individual Behaviour

(Video clip) The effect of expertise on visual search behaviours in predicting opponent's movement intentions in football
Claire Maton, Bournemouth University

(Video clip) Moral Responsibility: The Variable Understanding
Joseph Holloway, University of Birmingham

(Video clip) Analytical Self Portraits looking at student life and development
Simon Johnson, University Of Central Lancashire

(Video clip) English Queens Regnant in a Historical Context
Jennifer Pearce, University of East London

Panel C6 | Theme: Research - The Next Generation

(Video clip) Writing ourselves into and out of history, Or the history of a course in 8 and a ½ chapters
Dr Carol Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University

(Video clip) Interactions Between HEIs and SMEs
Michael Cumming, Alex Mockridge and Nicholas Tipple, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Understanding the Decision Making Process of an International Top Up Student in Application to UK Higher Institutions
Omolabake Fakunle, University of Central Lancashire

Research Experiences at UCLan
Mandy Dillon and Stuart Hampton-Reeves, University of Central Lancashire


Panel D1 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) Lingua Franca in (inter)action: the experiences of non-native English language users and native speaker service-providers interacting in a Bristish university
Stephen Hall, York St. John University

(Video clip) The Image of Prometheus in Poetry of Goethe and Treichel
Anna Stepanova, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Negotiating Stability: The Non-Reformation of Schwäbisch Gmünd 1500-1580
Martin Christ, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Children's Occupations in England, 1750-1850
Amy Ridgway, Oxford Brookes University

Panel D2 | Theme: Energy and Innovation

(Video clip) The Sum Of Their Parts
Phillip Hamilton, University Of Central Lancashire

(Video clip) The level of community awareness, preparedness and vulnerability to 'Hurricane Induced Coastal Flooding and Storm Surges' on Davis Island, Tampa, Florida
Melissa Handley, University of Chester

(Video clip) Crust and Mantle Interactions at Major Continental Transform Faults: San Andreas Fault, Northern California
Calum Chamberlain, University of Leeds

Panel D3 | Theme: Global Governance and International Development

Emerging Hate Markets: The evolution of far-right networks and network dynamic through internet development
Joseph Haigh, University of Warwick

From War to Anocracy: Explaining Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina according to the Transitional Model of Democratization
Jennifer Beckwith, University of Warwick

Implications of Yulia Tymoshenko's trial and its consequences for the development of EU-Ukraine relations
Adam Kalinin, University of Warwick

Panel D4 | Theme: Health and Wellbeing

(Video clip) Psychoanalytic Alternative to Freudian Model
Dino Jakušić, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Engineering the developing countries
Rebecca Wooding, University of Warwick
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Remote Electrification for Sustainable Development in African Communities']

Panel D5 | Theme: Individual Behaviour

(Video clip) The conflicted self in authoritarian regimes - Günter de Bruyn's Zwischenbilanz and Vierzig Jahre
Melissa Schuh, University of Nottingham

Hurricane preparedness and attitude towards evacuation in St Petersburg, Florida
Emma Rowbotham, University of Chester

(Video clip) The relative weighting of project manager leadership competencies by project phase in association with project success or failure
Shanaz Dawood, Blackpool and the Fylde College

An investigative study into the effects of cognitive dissonance during the post-purchase evaluation stage of the event experience
Rosie Hammond, Bournemouth University

Panel D6 | Theme: Research - The Next Generation

(Video clip) Creating Opportunities for Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate Ownership of the Research Project
Tim Harris, Staffordshire University

(Video clip) 'Wicked Problems' in Undergraduate Research (my 21 year long quest to make sense out of Higher Education)
Robert O'Toole, University of Warwick

(Video clip) The Future of Higher Education: Student and staff perspectives
Zoe Baker, Sheffield Hallam University
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Student and Staff Perceptions of Decision-making in the changing Higher Education Context']

(Video clip) Supervising on Empty? Investigating Undergraduate Dissertation Supervision in HE in FE
Andrew Smith, Blackpool & The Fylde College


Panel E1 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) Standardised testing of art materials using Terahertz analysis
Alexandre Diaz, University of Reading

(Video clip) The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and their contemporaries
Charlotte Flint, University of Birmingham

(Video clip) An investigation into the usage, clippings and pronunciation of 'because' and 'going' in urban youth culture
Danielle Wood-Wallace, Nottingham Trent University

(Video clip) The Astrotheological Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries, Judaism and Christianity
Saffi Grey, University of Warwick (45 minute session)

Panel E2 | Theme: Connecting Cultures and Communities

(Video clip) A Critical Analysis of How Widespread Interpretations of Gender Affect Issues Relating to Homosexuality in Developing Countries
Leisha Beardmore, University of Warwick

(Video clip) Accident, Design and the 'Individual' in the Atlantic World
Carmen Bonnell, Oxford Brookes University

(Video clip) Is the conservation of the United Kingdom's built heritage sustainable?
Michael Brightman, University of Central Lancashire
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Is the Conservation of the United Kingdom's Built Heritage Sustainable?']

(Video clip) Philanthropy in the Arts: investing in young creative talent
Holly Parker, University of Warwick

Myth and Decline in 'The Lady of Shalott'
Alexander Freer, University of Cambridge

Panel E3 | Theme: Individual Behaviour

Thinking Bodies, Speaking Law
Tara Narula, University of Warwick

Gender Identity Perceptions among Female Varsity Athletes
Madeleine Gough, Bournemouth University

(Video clip) James Shirley's Revenge Tragedies
Sian Lorna Dawson, University of Warwick
[Related Reinvention journal article: ''I know not whether she be man or woman' (Shirley, 1986: IV.ii.93): Subversive Presentations of Women in James Shirley's Revenge Tragedies']

(Video clip) Rugby career termination process
Chloe Bray, Bournemouth University

(Video clip) Perceptions of Sexual Orientation Identity in Lithuanian Online LGBT Community
Gabija Didziokaite, University of Warwick

Panel E4 | Theme: Arabic Literature

Introduction to Arabic Literature Session
Dahlia Belloul, University of Warwick

Absence of the Affective: Form and Meaning in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
Aranya Rauff-Nisthar, University of Warwick

Voice and the Contested Identity in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
Eleanor Percival, University of Warwick

Space and Identity in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
Samuel Clarke, University of Warwick
[Related Reinvention journal article: 'Lost in Space: Crisis of the Nation and Homeland in Contemporary Arabic Fiction']

An examination of the role of the 'trickster' in contemporary Arabic fiction
Amanda Bernard, University of Warwick

Significance of Space and Place in Comparative Arabic Literature
Sarah Ghazali, University of Warwick

Panel E5 | Theme: Research - The Next Generation

(Video clip) Critical pedagogy and a place within an undergraduate Education Studies curriculum?
Iain Jones, Newman University College

(Video clip) Creative & Collaborative Research Tools to support student research projects
Matthew Hawthorn, Nottingham Trent University

(Video clip) The Student Researcher: Journal of Undergraduate Research - The Students' Journey
Sarah Goodridge and Selina Ali, University of Wales: Trinity Saint David

Writing for Publication as an Undergraduate
Caroline Gibson and Naomi Falkenburg, University of Warwick