Benefits of student research for academics

Using supervision of student research in claims for HEA Fellowship
Activities carried out as a supervisor of student research may form part of an application for HEA Fellowship. Whilst not as sustained as doctoral supervision, supervision of student research can contribute significantly to student learning and can demonstrate many of the dimensions of the UK Professional Standards Framework.
This detailed guide suggests how supervision of student research can be identified and articulated to meet the requirements of the UKPSF and are based on the extensive work of Dr Stan Taylor mapping doctoral research supervision to the UKPSF.
Anyone interested in HEA Fellowship is strongly advised to consult the team at the Academic Development Centre (ADC). HEA Fellowship mentors are available to support applicants through every step of the process.
Using supervision of student research in claims for promotion
Other benefits and experiences of supervising student research
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Benefits of research for students
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Benefits of student research for academics
How can academics get involved in student research?
Helping student researchers to get started
Helping student researchers with ethics
Developing student research skills
Building mentorship and supervision skills
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