Project Team
Designing Together
Project Team

Dr. Bo Kelestyn
Hi, my name is Bo! I am a design thinking academic and practitioner, and an Associate Professor at the Warwick Business School.
I am the creator of the Warwick Secret Challenge, a problem-solving workshop with elements of design thinking, which has become a key methodology to tackle innovation challenges at Warwick through authentic student-staff co-creation. I also co-created the Warwick Employability and Sustainability Challenges.
I am working closely with colleagues within WIHEA and externally with Advance HE to share this work nationally, including via a podcast series on this topic, championing the use of design thinking in Higher Education. I am currently working on a book chapter as part of the SD4HELink opens in a new window, and a relaunch of the podcast under a new identity now called SX by Design.Link opens in a new window

Jess Humphreys
Hi, My name is Jess and I am the Deputy Director of WIHEA. I also work within Academic Development at the University of Warwick, leading on technology enhanced learning. I am the lead for the Learning Design Consultancy Unit (LDCU), bringing together colleagues from across the institution, providing space for sharing practice and support around the design of blended learning. The impact of the LDCU work has been recognised nationally with an Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) in 2022.
I employ design thinking methodologies within my practice, supporting colleagues with their own projects and exploring new ways to embed the student voice in design particularly around digital education. I am currently working on a number of projects and publications on this area of work and digital pedagogy.

Dr. Lory Barile
Hi, my name is Lory! I am a Behavioural Environmental Economist. I joined Warwick in January 2019 as an Associate Professor and Director of Widening Participation, and I became Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Degrees) in August 2020. I am an Associate of the Economics Network, and a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA), where I chaired the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Learning Circle in 2021/2022.
I am very passionate about sustainability and, as part of my work on ESD, I led and co-created the Warwick Sustainability Challenge (WSUsC), and its iterations within and beyond the University of Warwick. The WSUsC represents an experimental methodology with elements of design thinking to prototype and test a more holistic approach to sustainability in HE, and aims at engaging students with sustainability issues in their local communities. The Challenge encouraged me to reflect on innovative ways to trigger behaviour change via emphasising and defining sustainability problems in a human-centred manner and had huge impact on my research approach to behaviour change, which is now focused on exploring how nudge theory and design thinking can help government policies succeed.

Inca Hide-Wright
My name is Inca. I am a recent University of Warwick psychology graduate who is particularly enthusiastic about problem-solving, creativity, and community engagement.
I am a problem-solver who utilises creative thinking, design thinking and innovation skills to address problems such as, the lost generation branding received by young people due to COVID-19 pandemic. I aspire to make positive differences and reduce inequalities by doing what I can to increase access to educational and community spaces that have the environment and wellbeing at the forefront.
In September 2023, I will further my knowledge by completing the University of Warwick's new MASc in Community, Engagement and Belonging. This adventure will better equip and enable me to empower and improve outcomes within communities in terms of wellbeing, environmental impact and positive climate and community actions, through the use of design thinking, art and local environment.

Nikita Asnani
I am Nikita, a recent graduate from the University of Warwick where I pursued my undergraduate degree in Economics and Masters degree in Humanitarian Engineering with Sustainability at the University of Warwick.
I am very passionate about inclusion in higher education and social innovation. I enjoy writingLink opens in a new window, podcastingLink opens in a new window, creating digital content and speaking on topics that explore the intersectionality of design, mental health, and sustainability from a feminist and POC perspective.
As a design thinker and facilitator, I have facilitated workshops on sustainability and inclusion for audiences of all ages, from playful circular economy workshops for Year 7 and 8 students in Coventry to university students as part of the EUTOPIA Innovation Conference.