If you would like to conduct research on your IATL module involving human participants then you will need to apply for Ethics Approval. This involves completing an application that you will then send to IATL’s research ethics sub-committee, who will review it for you.
Please note that you must receive ethics approval from IATL before you begin collecting data from your participants.
This page includes the essential information you will need to complete your Ethics application. For more detail, please see your IATL UG Handbook / PG Handbook.
If your work involves gathering data collecting data from human participants (for example through interviews or questionnaires), you will need to submit an application to IATL’s Research Ethics sub-committee.
1. Discuss your Research Plan with your Module Convenor to ensure it is feasible and to determine if you need to seek ethics approval. Check that you have time to make an application. Please note that you must submit your completed ethics application form to IATL by 5pm on Friday of Week 9 of the term your module is running in.
2. Watch the training video (see below). Once you have watched the video, download and fill out the application form. Please also see the information leaflet for participants, the consent form for participants in the box above. Once you have completed the forms, give them to your IATL Module Convenor so they can give them an initial review. This is very important, as your Module Convenor could help you identify issues and problems before you submit your application, and that could save you a lot of time.
3. Once your Module Convenor is happy with your application, the third step is to email your completed forms and documentation to by 5 pm on Friday of Week 9 of the term your module is running in. Note that IATL does not accept applications beyond this date.
It is not uncommon to receive feedback from IATL on your application requiring minor or major amendments to be made before your data collection can be carried out. This could mean you have to resubmit your application form, so it is very important to factor in these possibilities when timing your application process. Please discuss your timeline with your Module Convenor before you submit your application.
Remember you must not begin any data collection until you have received approval from the IATL Ethics panel.
If you are only involving other people as actors or observers (for example in a play or as audience members for a talk or presentation you are giving), you do not need to seek ethics approval. This is because you are not collecting data from them directly. However, if you are intending on photographing or recording other people (e.g. as part of video/audio-recording a performance or presentation), you will need to get their written consent using the Actors Consent Form.Link opens in a new window