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PGA Interdisciplinary Pedagogy

A meeting between three women
  • Are you currently working in an interdisciplinary teaching and learning context within higher education?
  • Would you like to develop your thinking and planning for cross-faculty teaching?
  • Are you passionate about the opportunities for inter/trans-disciplinary learning?

IATL is offering a small cohort of staff the chance to register for a Postgraduate Award in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy, which will be convened and assessed by IATL academic staff. Their expertise in engaging learners from all four faculties at Warwick will be shared during the programme, and the participants will have an opportunity to reflect upon, and evaluate, their own pedagogic practice. The course runs from October to July through monthly online workshops on MS Teams, supplemented by face-to-face meetings in person. The award is assessed via a portfolio of evidence and a practice-based presentation in the summer months.

Following an initial online application process, participants will be enrolled on a core 30 CATS module on ‘Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning’, with the following aims:

  • Introduce interdisciplinarity at postgraduate level with a particular focus on good practice for facilitators (educators, practitioners, academics, researchers and administrators) of teaching and learning;
  • Approach higher education conceptually with a particular focus on practices of teaching and learning (seminars, workshops, events, online activity, policy-making);
  • Critically evaluate interdisciplinarity and its variants with a particular focus on multi-, inter-, trans- and non-disciplinary approaches as they relate to pedagogic practice.

We are now accepting applications for 2024-2025.

Please complete the application form here by Monday, 16. September 2024.

For more information about this course, please email

Essential Information

Dr Heather Meyer Dr Elena Riva 

October 2024 – July 2025

Credits awarded

Reflective Blogs
Practice-based Presentation
Portfolio of Evidence

Who should apply?

Any member of Warwick staff (including PGRs) currently teaching or supporting learning in an interdisciplinary context.

Course fees