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PGA Project Showcase

PGA Interdisciplinary Showcase

Welcome to the PGA Interdisciplinary Showcase

Throughout the postgraduate award, students reflect, discuss and collaborate on their interdisciplinary approaches in each of their respective teaching contexts. Students also work on a culminating portfolio of evidence and presentation that synthesize their ideas and theories on how to implement effective interdisciplinary pedagogical practices. Past students have chosen from a range of teaching-focused activities that they are involved in at Warwick, whether that be supervising on the Undergraduate Research Support Scheme or designing and implementing a project-based chemistry module. By examining a case study of their teaching practice, students delve deeply into what interdisciplinary pedagogy looks like in their unique areas of expertise. Students’ final presentations include a rationale and description of their chosen case studies, and critical analysis, evaluation and reflection on their conceptualization, implementation and development of interdisciplinary teaching. The final portfolio further documents evidence of practice that tangibly illuminates and critically evaluated how students have applied their inter-,trans-disciplinary approaches.

Below you will find some of our past alumni and snapshot summaries of their fascinating projects that bring together insights from their portfolios and presentations. Click on each title to learn more!