Using Interdisciplinary Research in Teaching
Date, time and place: Wednesday 21st January 2015, 11:30 - 1:00, Humanities Studio (H076, Humanities Building)
Please email Viv Joseph (vivan.joseph [at] to register your attendance.
Teaching across disciplinary boundaries offers unique opportunities, and poses unique challenges. One of the most significant benefits is that it enables students to see a subject from multiple perspectives, rather than the limited viewpoint of their single discipline. True interdisciplinary teaching requires interdisciplinary research, which brings its own set of challenges.
This event provides a glimpse into both sides of interdisciplinarity, with three presentations showcasing different aspects of research and teaching followed by time for discussion.
Angela Woods: Hearing the Voice, An Interdisciplinary Research Project.
Hearing the Voice is an ambitious interdisciplinary study of voice-hearing (auditory verbal hallucinations) led by researchers at Durham University and funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Humanities. The research team includes academics from cognitive neuroscience, English literature, history, medical humanities, philosophy, psychology and theology, working closely with voice-hearers, clinicians, artists and arts-in-health practitioners.
Viv Joseph: Navigating Psychopathology, An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Module.
The module develops a critical account of psychiatry and psychopathology (mental ill-health) drawing on a variety of perspectives including neuroscience, neuroimaging, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, philosophy and history. The module is open to all undergraduate students, which brings with it challenges around content, communication and assessment.
Annouchka Bayley: The Venice Project, Practice as Research.
The Venice Project involved taking 11 Business Studies PhD students on an interdisciplinary performance-as-research trip to Venice, investigating archaeologies of global trade through performance practice, history and literature. Students were given site-based, performance-style tasks via which to gather ethnographic data in the floating city, including mask work, performed walking (both day and night), digital mapping and improvisation masterclasses. Upon return to the UK, students 'performed' their data on a barge moored under the Royal Shakespeare Company to an invited audience, before producing their own original written case studies on global trade. This talk will present a short film on the project and critically discuss the use of interdisciplinarity in this context.