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IATL Module Fair : Wednesday 24th April 12:30 - 14:30

The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) offer an innovative portfolio of interdisciplinary modules for UG and PG students. Find out more at IAT's Module Fair - Wednesday 24th April 12:30 - 14:30 in the FAB Agora (Ground Floor).

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 09:47 | Tags: IATL events, IATL news, Warwick news

IATL goes to Denmark!

Dr Elena Riva has been visiting colleagues at the University of Copenhagen to celebrate the success of the first iteration of their in-classroom, interdisciplinary module about wellbeing inspired by IATL module Understanding Wellbeing Theory and Practice. This follows the launch in September of its online counterpart, now open to all the students of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Copenhagen and also inspired by the IATL online module Understanding Wellbeing. During the visit, plans have been made for the next steps of this wonderful collaboration that will look at supporting staff wellbeing literacy, relaying on the great expertise of our Danish colleagues. Watch this space!

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 12:25 | Tags: Copenhagen, IATL news

IATL Skills Sessions

IATL will be offering a new suite of Interdisciplinary Skills Sessions designed to enhance the learning of students taking IATL modules. Over the next few weeks we will be running sessions on Interdisciplinary Academic Writing, Ethics Application Support and Interdisciplinary Methods. All IATL students are welcome to attend these sessions. More information and a form to register your interest can be found here

Wed 15 Feb 2023, 15:13 | Tags: Courses and modules, IATL events, IATL news

Student Co-Creation Partnership with EPQ

Staff and student co-creation is one of IATL’s core practices. We are therefore delighted to be supporting the Co-Creation Officer project within the Institutional Teaching and Learning Review (ITLR), in partnership with Education Policy and Quality (EPQ). IATL are providing funding and support through our Project Support scheme, with staff and our Co-Creation Officers having been involved in the project from an early stage.

Fri 16 Dec 2022, 15:35 | Tags: IATL news

IATL's Collaboration with the University of Copenhagen

In November 2022, Danish colleagues Line Nielsen, Charlotte Bjerre Meilstrup and Malene Kubstrup Nelausen (pictured with Dr Elena Riva and Dr Lorenzo Serini) visited IATL to observe and contribute to the in-classroom module 'Understanding Wellbeing Theory and Practice', which will also be replicated at the University of Copenhagen and to discuss the project evaluation and next steps.

Fri 16 Dec 2022, 15:27 | Tags: IATL news

IATL welcoming students from the Indonesian International Mobility Awards (IISMA)

IATL was pleased to welcome students from the Indonesian International Mobility Awards (IISMA) scheme this autumn. IISMA is a student mobility scheme funded by the Indonesian government.

Tue 13 Dec 2022, 09:18 | Tags: IATL news

IATL Announces new Director

We are delighted to announce that the University has concluded an appointment process for our next Director and that Dr Elena Riva has been approved by the Committee on the Appointment of Heads of Department to succeed Professor Jonny Heron.

Mon 05 Dec 2022, 15:03 | Tags: IATL news

WorldCUR-BCUR 2023

The University of Warwick will proudly host World Congress on Undergraduate Research & British Conference of Undergraduate Research in a joint celebration of undergraduate research 4th-6th April 2023, the call for abstracts will open July 2022.

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 11:36 | Tags: IATL news

Creating Digital Futures

Creating Digital Futures will offer students the opportunity to work in diverse interdisciplinary teams in response to a digital innovation competition brief set by Warwick’s Creative Features incubator.

Wed 01 Jun 2022, 09:58 | Tags: IATL news

The Science of Music - A blog by Angel Addo (UG Life Sciences)

Students from IATL's Science of Music module visited the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire last term as part of IATL's new collaboration with students and staff from the Conservatoire. Several students from the Conservatoire took the opportunity to do a work placement as part of their studies by supporting Warwick staff on the module while, in return, Warwick students were able to explore the different musical performance spaces and acoustics in the new Conservatoire building. Angel Addo blogged the day.

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