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ESRC Seminar Series on Climate Change

Workshop 1: "Climate Change - Managing the Policy Challenges"

13th March, 2009, CSGR Conference Room S1.50


9:30 am-10:15 am. Lea Nicita (Venice), “How Does Climate Policy Affect Technical Change? An analysis of the direction and pace of technical progress in a climate-economy model”.
10:15 am-11:00 am. Christopher Moir, (Warwick Manufacturing Group), “Carbon reduction through technological change(PDF Document)
11:00-11:15. Coffee break
11:15-12:00. Annette Muetze (School of Engineering, Warwick), "Economic factors and incentives for ocean wave energy conversion".
12:00-12:45. Andrew Sentance, (Warwick Business School), TBC.
12:45-2 pm. Lunch
2:00 pm- 2:45 pm. Sean Walsh and John Whalley (CIGI and Warwick) “Bringing the Copenhagen Global Climate Negotiations to Conclusion”.
2:45 pm-3:30 pm. S. Chatterji, Ghosal, S., Walsh, S. and Whalley, J, (Singapore Management University, CIGI, Warwick) "Unilateralism and mitigation".
3:30-3:45. Coffee break
3:45 pm- 4:30 pm. David Anthoff (The Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin), “Optimal Global Dynamic Carbon Taxation”.
4:30 pm-5:15 pm. Peter Hammond (Economics, Warwick), “Climate Change: A Public Economic Theorist’s perspective”.


For futher information please contact Professor Sayantan Ghosal in Economics (