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Following a call for research ideas we have funded six groups from across the University to explore multidisciplinary ideas relating to the policy, regulatory and social implications of scientific developments relating to moving to a Low Carbon Society during the 2008/09 academic year.
Energy Regulation and Security- 18th June 2009
The world faces a significant challenge in sustaining supply from traditional sources of energy while developing the alternatives that will achieve a low carbon economy. The need for this transition now comes at a time of recession with limited access to capital. Lack of investment today may only increase concerns for secure supplies of energy in the future. This seminar on 18th June will combine the challenges this presents for policymaking and regulation with a look at the practicalities businesses need to make it happen. More details at or contact
Global emissions Trading: Ethics, Policy and Politics- 8th July 2009
This workshop focuses on the question of whether the popular mechanism of emissions trading, that is the creation of a global market for tradable allowances to emit greenhouse gases over a certain period, is a legitimate, economically efficient and politically feasible response to the threat of dangerous climate change. Four sessions will explore various problems thrown up by a growing literature on atmospheric emissions trading; and a particular focus will be on the search for ethically-informed adjustments to the scope and rules of establishing trading schemes designed to enhance their legitimacy. For further details and registration please see or contact Dr Ed Page, PAIS.
The role of social norms in building a low carbon society- 9th July 2009
This two day workshop aims to investigate how changes in social norms can induce behavioural adjustments to tackle climate change, connecting analytical social norms approaches with experimental approaches, and contrasting the effect of social norms with other policy tools such as regulations and economic incentives. For further details and registration please see or contact Dr Kai Spiekermann, Philosophy.
Game theory in Climate Change Mitigation- 27th April 2009
The mathematical background of Game Theory and it's applications to Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) will be explored through a seminar. Game theory can make significant contributions in the adoption of low carbon technologies, in the education of children and the development of low carbon attitudes, and in the process of individual, business and state decision- making. For further details please see or contact Professor David Mond, Mathematics.
Sun-Day at Warwick: Current and future trends of photovoltaic energy systems- Date tbc (cancelled due to speaker availability)
This one day workshop will be an unique opportunity to promote new research activities and industrial collaborations in the area of photovoltaic (PV) energy systems at Warwick. It will be of interest to researchers at all levels and from a variety of disciplines working on different aspects of PV energy systems. It has been designed to enhance networking between the participants, thereby facilitating cross-disciplinary communication and research activities at a later stage. For further details please see or contact Dr Annette Muetze in Engineering.
Adoption of Low Carbon Vehicle Technologies
This project will investigate the practical use of a costs benefit analysis (CBA) tool to increase the uptake of eco-friendly vehicles. A User Group would be set up within the university to enable discussions between local authourities to ensure sharing of best practices and could also assist vehicle manufacturers in the development of eco-friendly vehicles at competitive prices. For further details please contact Dr Andrew McGordon, WMG.