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Dr Bridget Penman

Dr Bridget Penman

Dr Bridget Penman
University of Warwick
Contact Details

Link to staff profile / lab pageLink opens in a new window

Who is your scientific inspiration and why?

Alice Stewart, who (among other achievements) discovered the risks of x ray exposure to unborn children.

In three words or phrases how would you describe your supervision style?

Supportive, collaborative, student-centred.

In one or two sentences please describe your strategies regarding the following.
Provision of training:

I will work closely with you to develop your project and help your research progress. At first I will offer plenty of direct guidance as required (e.g. helping you develop code); later on we will be collaborating, but you will be researching independently.

Progression monitoring and management:

I like to be kept up to date, and will expect to see evidence of what you have been working on from week to week. However, I expect you to keep track of your own upcoming deadlines. I will support you by providing timely feedback for reports, manuscripts etc – but I prefer for you to take the initiative in asking me for this feedback, rather than me chase you up about an upcoming deadline.


If there is anything that is affecting your work, or anything that is concerning you, be it research related or otherwise, please do discuss it with me and I will do my very best to help or point you in the direction of who can help.

I am known to email my team/PhD students at all hours of the day and night, however I will not expect you to do the same, or expect responses outside of your normal pattern of working hours.

How often do your PhD students see you in a timetabled group meeting?

At least once per fortnight

In year 1 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per week

In year 2 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per fortnight

In year 3 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per month

What form do your 1:1 meetings with PhD students take?

A mixture of face to face or via video chat or telephone, according to individual circumstances and preferences .

Open door policy?

Yes, I am usually contactable for an instant response 3 days per week.

My expectation of PhD student working patterns?

The timing of work in my lab is completely flexible, and (other than attending pre-arranged meetings), I expect students to manage their own time.

Notice for feedback (e.g. on reports, manuscript drafts, thesis chapters)?

I need at least 2 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.