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Penman Group: Infectious disease, host genetics and evolution


Natural selection from pathogens has profoundly influenced genetic diversity in human populations. We use mathematical models and computational simulations of evolution to understand this process and its consequences. Understanding how pathogens interact with genetically diverse hosts offers mechanistic insights into infection, and has the potential to teach us new ways to combat disease.

Our major research topics are shown below, and all publications can be found here. I’m also happy to develop project ideas with any student or potential postdoctoral fellowship applicant who wants to apply mathematical and computational approaches to problems in infectious disease and host/pathogen co-evolution. Please click on the research themes and group members' names below to find out more about all the questions we are working on.

Current research

Group members

Alberto Torcello

Rosie Sanders


Former group members

Grace Trivett

Rachael Ralph

Arthur Margolis

Connor White

Susie Cant

Mamas Louca


Dr Bridget Penman

Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences

Room 5.13, MSB | Room B137, Gibbet Hill