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Energy Regulation and Security Seminar

The world faces a significant challenge in sustaining supply from traditional sources of energy while developing the alternatives that will achieve a low carbon economy. The need for this transition now comes at a time of recession with limited access to capital. Lack of investment today may only increase concerns for secure supplies of energy in the future. This seminar will combine the challenges this presents for policymaking and regulation with a look at the practicalities businesses need to make it happen. 

Date: Thursday 18th June, 2009.  0900-1700.
Location: B3.20, Warwick Business School, Scarman Road, The University of Warwick.


The seminar will be co-chaired by:

Professor Martin Cave, OBE.  Director of the Centre for Management under Regulation, Warwick Business School

Professor Andrew Sentance.  Member of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee and Professorial Fellow at Warwick Business School.


Speakers from the fields of government, business and academia will include the following;

Andrei Belyi, Associate Professor at Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics

Derek Goodban, Partner at Wragge & Co

Nick Mabey, Chief Executive at E3G

Catherine Mitchell, Professor of Energy Policy, the University of Exeter

Lord O’Neill, former Chair of the Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee

Gill Owen, Senior Research Fellow, Warwick Business School

Walt Patterson, Associate Fellow at Chatham House

Neil Pullen, UK Gas Operations Manager at National Grid,

Simon Skillings, Director of Trilemma UK Ltd

Tim Tutton, Principal at Oxera


Please register your interest in attending this seminar by replying to We will reply with further details and attendance instructions.