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MChems finish with 1st class projects

Congratulations to Emanuele and Ryan for completing 1st class MChem projects in the Pike Group, and best of luck for new careers in new battery technologies (at Green Energy Storage) and software development in the Civil Service!
Wed 20 Jul 2022, 17:06 | Tags: Group

Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Prize

Seb wins the 2022 Young Investigator Award from the RSC Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Discussion Group!

Fri 17 Jun 2022, 09:23 | Tags: Prize

Beamtime at i19 Diamond Light Source

Stephen and I collect new data at i19. We shine an (enormous) laser on a single crystal of a metal oxo cluster and collect the diffraction pattern of the product after photoreaction.

Fri 20 May 2022, 11:50 | Tags: Experiment

MRes scholarship available

Scholarship for MRes project available (Oct 2022 start) (all university fees fully funded for UK students), please contact Seb if interested.

Fri 06 May 2022, 11:16 | Tags: Funding

Poster Pize for Stephen at British Crystallographic Association Conference

Congratulations to Stephen for winning the PCG Group Solid-state Chemistry Poster Prize at the British Crystallographic Association Conference 2022 in Leeds! Stephen's poster was titled Synthesis, Structural Determination and Photochemical Properties of Cerium-oxo Clusters!

Thu 14 Apr 2022, 09:19 | Tags: Prize

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