Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Membership
The School's ED Committee represents all staff and students in the School, with members ranging from undergraduate students through to senior academic staff.
Chair | Joanna Collingwood, Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) |
School Executive Team | Amy Hamson, Director of Operations |
Secretary | Claire Barratt, Executive Officer |
Other members of the School Executive Team to attend as required | |
Define by role: to manage online communications and website presence and associated data: | |
Athena Swan Champion | Modupe Jimoh, Associate Professor (Teaching Focussed) |
IT Representative | Stephen Hawke, Academic and Operations Technologist |
Communications and Engagement Representative | Kathryn Thompson, Student Recruitment Officer |
Define by role: to manage data acquisition and reporting for monitoring purposes | |
Taught Degree Programmes |
Victoria Jelicic, Programmes Manager (PG) Emili Lowery, Programmes Assistant (DA) |
Staff Careers | Caroline Whitehouse, Operations Manager |
Professional Services Staff: | |
Technical | TBA |
Administrative |
Victoria Jelicic, Programmes Manager (PG) |
Student Experience |
Amanda Bishop, Director of Student Experience |
Research Administration |
Chris Stokes, Research Development Manager |
Academic Staff Representation: | |
Teaching and Research Focussed |
Soroush Abolfathi, Associate Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) Marina Antoniou, Associate Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) Peter Brommer, Associate Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) Xueyu Geng, Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) Alex Darlington, Assistant Professor (Research and Teaching Focussed) |
Teaching Focussed | Angeles Rivero Pacho, Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed) |
Research Focussed | TBC |
Early Career Academic | TBC |
Representing student groups throughout the SoE community: | |
Student Experience | Amanda Bishop, Director of Student Experience |
Student (UG) | |
Student (PGT) | TBC |
Student (PGR) | TBC |
Mature Student | Sam Wickins, PGR |