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EVGP - US Event


The evGP is an annual racing event, endorsed by President Obama, organised in the US by Purdue University, Indiana. Teams from all over the world converge on Indiana to race electric go karts they have designed and built. The competition demands a high standard of engineering, organisation and teamwork and fosters innovative engineering approaches.

This culminates in two evGP races held in April/May at Purdue University’s go kart track in West Lafayette, Indiana and at the world famous Indianapolis Speedway. In both events teams are also assessed on the design of their karts as well as their educational outreach into the local schools and communities.

us event

The event has helped raise the profile of zero-emissions technology in motorsport, as well as giving engineers of the future practical exposure to the subject. As a result of this success, it is expected that there will be a UK based evGP event during our 2012/13 season, making the event more accessible to UK and EU universities.