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RoboCup Rescue 2010 - News Feed

We Won First Place!

We won first place of the RoboCup Rescue German Open and also best in class mobility.
We are now the European champions, Hurray!!!

Sorry about the delay in updating the website, we had no internet for the whole last day of the competition.
Photos and videos to follow tonight or tomorrow morning!

Mon 19 Apr 2010, 16:56

It Works Again!

Network problems fixed. We just had our run and scored another 4 victims. Identified by IR, Vision and CO2.

The finals and best in class tests are tomorrow!

Sat 17 Apr 2010, 18:09

Getting there...

We had another attempt in the arena about two hours ago. The same issues we has earlier happened again with both network interference and drop outs.
To solve the problem we have moved the newer router from the autonomous robot onto the tele-operated as it seems to have better coverage.

We have negotiated with the organisers and they have given us a chance with a later run  at 18:30. Hopefully we will have solved the network/computer issues by then. 

On a side note. We are not planning on entering the autonomous robot into any more runs as it cannot score any points without the victim identification code working.

Sat 17 Apr 2010, 16:43

Another 'bad' run.

During our last run we suffered severe Wi-Fi interference. This meant that we kept loosing the connection to the robot making it near impossible to drive.

On the up-side the team that was entering the arena after us experienced the same problems. Due to this we have been told that this round will not count and we will be given an extra attempt later today.

 Fingers crossed!

Sat 17 Apr 2010, 12:10

WMR is pushing boundaries!

In our last run of the day we found four victims. For reliability we had disabled the arm (apart from head-pan) as we were not certain what was causing it to malfunction at the time. We have now solved the issue, so tomorrow we should have a run with a fully working arm.

The organisers of the competition have decided to make the red section of the arena more difficult by raising the size of the step near the top of the ramp from two tubes to three tubes (30cm).

No robot in RoboCup has ever successfully climbed the 30cm step, even in the finals... Until now!

img_6701.jpg img_6702.jpg

 Here is a panoramic view of the arena (taken from the top of a tall ladder):

Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:32

Video of yesterdays run in the arena

Here is the video I promised of yesterdays competition run in the arena: Youtube Video

Fri 16 Apr 2010, 14:06

Second run didn't go well :(.

We have just been to do our second run in the arena. We were unable to get the arm working for some strange reason, combined with a few software issues we chose to disregard the run.

Each team in the competition is allowed to disregard one run, so it does not count towards the final score.

Fri 16 Apr 2010, 14:02

The arm works!

The problems with the arm have now been fixed and it works!

We have two runs scheduled for this afternoon.

An interesting find is that the operator can see the whole chassis of the robot when the  arm is extended, which is very useful for very close quarter maneuvering.

img_6608.jpg  img_6607.jpg

Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:16

First Competition Run!

We have done our first official run.
The tele-operated robot found 4 victims, the autonomous robot had a few problems, got stuck and was e-stopped.

Videos and photos to follow if our internet connection will allow.

Thu 15 Apr 2010, 17:23

First Tele-operated Test Run

The tele-operated had its first run in the arena a few hours ago and it performed very well!
At the moment the arm does not work which is something we are most focused at fixing.

img_6469.jpg  img_6492-raw.jpg

The robot made very light work of the stairs and the (near) 45* ramp, proving that the choice to upgrade to maxon motors to be a very benifitial one.

img_6481.jpg  img_6504.jpg  img_6457.jpg

The only problem we encountered during the run was that one of the surclips on the rear flipper pulleys kept falling off, this was fixed by replacing the surclip.

Thu 15 Apr 2010, 17:16

Older news