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Royal Institution Engineering Summer School a hit with 13 - 15 year olds

On Wednesday 13 August, Dr Simon Leigh (School of Engineering) and Margaret Low (WMG) from the University of Warwick, ran a summer school at the Royal Institution in London called Illuminating Engineering. The event showed how modern-day manufacturing links together art, science, engineering and technology in order to create new, exciting and bespoke products.

The one-day workshop demonstrated how these links can be brought together through design, software and hardware engineering skills and how engineers need to have an appreciation of the other areas to get any project off the ground. Students designed and manufactured a bespoke, interactive lamp controlled by a micro-processor, writing the software for the interactive lamp and exploring the design and production of a personalised lamp shade using digital manufacturing tools.

Dr Simon Leigh and workshop participants Workshop participants

Margaret Low with participants Example of participants Electronics inside participants work

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 08:59 | Tags: Dr Simon Leigh Faculty of Science Outreach