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Posted to bioRxiv: 3D Cell Cultures Amplify Diffusion Signals

We've made our group's first pre-print submission to bioRxiv. We posted our paper 3D Cell Cultures Amplify Diffusion Signals. This paper models the amplification of diffusion signals that occurs across the boundary of an organoid immersed in liquid. With a combination of theory and experiments, we verify the amplification factor as a function of diffusion coefficients inside and outside the organoid. The main result is that, on a very short timescale, organoids act like sponges and can make measurable changes to nutrient concentrations in the surrounding environment. This provides useful insight for lab-on-chip systems and other applications that have dense collections of cells.

This paper is an output of the SIMBA project. It is first-authored by our group member Hamidreza Arjmandi and co-authored with our SIMBA project collaborators at AstraZeneca Sweden (Kajsa Kanebratt, Liisa Vilen, and Peter Gennemark).

Fri 30 Jun 2023, 09:39 | Tags: molecular communication, biorxiv