Dr Javier Munguia

Dr Javier Munguia (FHEA)
Associate Professor (TF)
Javier dot Munguia at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Munguia has over a decade of experience working with Additive Manufacturing /3D Printing technologies, CAD/CAM Design, Industrial and manufacturing engineering. His research encompasses:
- 3D CAD/CAE design, analysis and design optimization: parametric/generative design, topology optimization
- Medical devices design & manufacture
- Materials characterization, fatigue/long cycle materials tests
- Machinery / test-bench design / purpose built 3D printing systems
- Design for Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing
- Design theory and methodologies (QFD, Kansei, Axiomatic Design, Robust Design)
Open PhD opportunities:
- Carbon-negative acoustic dampening and insulating structures via digital bio-fabrication
This is a unique opportunity to undertake a PhD program at both UK and Singapore, spending years 1 and 4 at Warwick University and years 2-3 at SIMTech, A-Star institute.
More info on: FindAPhD : Fully funded joint PhD studentships in interdisciplinary STEM research at University of Warwick
For informal enquiries please contact: Javier.Munguia@warwick.ac.uk and/or xydeng@simtech.a-star.edu.sg
Teaching Interests
ES1B1:Engineering Design and Application ---> Module Leader
ES3C2:Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design --->Module Leader
ES327:Individual Project
Course nameES9ZD:Mechanical Engineering Group Design ---> Co-Lecturer
ES410 - Group Project
Selected Publications
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here