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Academic Profile "Edit content blocks" guidance

The Academic Profile pages use a standard School of Engineering template to give a degree of consistency for all our staff profiles. The template is intended to be easy to use and reasonably flexible. The are some standard content blocks to filled in:

  1. Photograph (hp-01-image) Image dimensions: 1170 x 500 pixels.
  2. "Business card" title (hp-02-title)
  3. "Business card" contact details (hp-03-contact) There are hidden icons for the social media LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, Researchgate and ORCID here.

Left hand side

  1. Biography (hp-04-biography)
  2. Research Interests (hp-06-research_interests)
  3. Teaching Interests (hp-07-teaching_interests)
  4. Selected Publications (hp-08-publications) Selected only, please!
  5. Projects and Grants (hp-09-grants)

Right hand side

  1. Office / hours / address (hp-05-sidebar)

Plus there are four additional blocks available for use on the left hand side and two on the right hand side. The display order of the content blocks cannot be changed.

The content in any block can be updated through the "Edit" button; any blocks that do not contain a minimum amount of content will be hidden on the profile page. Please do not change the Title of any content block as this will break the link to the Profile page.

If these blocks are too restrictive for the content you wish to publish, then you have Edit permission for your own profile and can create any number of standard Sitebuilder sub-pages. Just make sure not to create the sub-pages beneath this "hp-content" page -- create them below your main profile page so that they can be seen in the menu.


Academic profile photograph


Dr Javier Munguia (FHEA)

Associate Professor (TF) 


Javier dot Munguia at warwick dot ac dot uk

LinkedIn Twitter Google Scholar ResearchGate ORCID



Dr Munguia has over a decade of experience working with Additive Manufacturing /3D Printing technologies, CAD/CAM Design, Industrial and manufacturing engineering. His research encompasses:

  • 3D CAD/CAE design, analysis and design optimization: parametric/generative design, topology optimization
  • Medical devices design & manufacture
  • Materials characterization, fatigue/long cycle materials tests
  • Machinery / test-bench design / purpose built 3D printing systems
  • Design for Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing
  • Design theory and methodologies (QFD, Kansei, Axiomatic Design, Robust Design)




Advice and feedback hours

Wednesday 12:00 - 13:00
Fridays 11:00 -1200 during term time or by appointment.

Write to

School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL


Open PhD opportunities:

  • Carbon-negative acoustic dampening and insulating structures via digital bio-fabrication

This is a unique opportunity to undertake a PhD program at both UK and Singapore, spending years 1 and 4 at Warwick University and years 2-3 at SIMTech, A-Star institute.

More info on: FindAPhD : Fully funded joint PhD studentships in interdisciplinary STEM research at University of Warwick

For informal enquiries please contact: and/or 

S-star or LINK


Teaching Interests

ES1B1:Engineering Design and Application ---> Module Leader

ES3C2:Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design --->Module Leader

ES327:Individual Project

Course nameES9ZD:Mechanical Engineering Group Design ---> Co-Lecturer

ES410 - Group Project


Projects and Grants





