Dr Justin Russell
Dr Justin Russell
Associate Professor (Teaching Focused)
Civil engineering Degree Apprenticeship Programme Lead
J dot Russell dot 3 at warwick dot ac dot uk
MEng in Civil Engineering, 2010, University of Nottingham
PhD in Civil Engineering, 2015, University of Nottingham
Research Interests
Prospective PhD Students - Currently I have no openings for research students
- Progressive collapse of reinforced concrete structures
- Flat slab construction
- Dynamics of lightweight bridges
- Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites
- Human-induced vibration
Teaching Interests
Civil and structural engineering topics covering analysis, design, material properties, sustainability and dynamics.
Teaching for full time undergraduate students and Degree Apprentices.
- ES2F4 Structural Analysis (Module Leader)
- ES2F2 Construction Materials (Module Leader)
- ES2F0/ES2C2 Engineering Surveying
- ES3E1 BEng Design Project
Selected Publications
- Lewis, W. J., Russell, J. M. and Li, T. Q. (2021) Moment-less arches for reduced stress state. Comparisons with conventional arch forms Computers & Structures 251
- Russell, J, Wei, X., Zivanovic, S., and Kruger, C (2020) Vibration serviceability of a GFRP railway crossing due to pedestrians and train excitation Engineering Structures. 219
- Russell, J. M., Sagaseta, J., Cormie, D., & Jones, A. E. K. (2019). Historical review of prescriptive design rules for robustness after the collapse of Ronan Point Structures. 20, 365-373
- Russell, J. M., Owen, J. S. and Hajirasouliha, I. (2019) Dynamic column loss analysis of reinforced concrete flat slabs Engineering Structures 198
- Wei, X., Wan, H.-P., Russell, J., Zivanovic, S. and He, X.(2019) Influence of Mechanical Uncertainties on Dynamic Responses of a Full-Scale All-FRP Footbridge. Composite Structures. 223.
- Wei, X., Russell, J., Zivanovic, S., and Mottram, J. T. (2019) Measured Dynamic Properties for FRP Footbridges and their Critical Comparison against Structures Made of Conventional Construction Materials. Composite Structures. 223.
- Wei, X., Zivanovic, S., Russell, J and Mottershead, J. E.(2019) Subsystem identification in structures with a human occupant based on composite frequency response functions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 120, 290-307
- Russell, J. M., Owen, J. S. and Hajirasouliha, I. (2018) Nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete flat slabs after a column loss event Advances in Structural Engineering 198
- Russell, J. M., Owen, J. S. and Hajirasouliha, I. (2015) Experimental investigation on the dynamic response of RC flat slabs after a sudden column loss Engineering Structures 99