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ES4E0 - Renewable Energy Systems

  • Module code: ES4E0
  • Module name: Renewable Energy
  • Department: School of Engineering
  • Credit: 15

Module content and teaching

Principal aims

The module is intended to present and assess some of the important renewable energy technologies and give some sense of the engineering design and development of some of these technologies. Starting with a brief outline of existing and proposed renewable energy systems, the course adopts an active solution-seeking approach, assessing these technologies against economic, engineering and other criteria.


Two of the most promising technologies, wind power, and solar energy are treated in some depth as an example of optimisation in mechanical and electrical engineering design. Other technologies studied include geothermal, biomass, ocean and hydro power.

Principal learning outcomes
  • By the end of the module students should be able to…
  • Interpret, apply and resolve the scientific concepts and principles underpinning renewable energy technologies.
  • Evaluate design processes and methodologies for renewable energy systems and apply them to new situations
  • Apply concepts from a range of areas such as business, economics, legislation (H&S, environmental and social impacts) for assessment of renewable energy technologies and systems in order to evaluate their suitability and efficacy.
  • Autonomously apply mathematical and computer based models for solving problems in renewable energy systems, critique these methods and advance independent hypotheses for the scope of their applicability and the limitations of these models for practical application.
  • Discuss current practice and its limitations as well as likely new and advanced developments at the forefront of renewable energy technology