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Fracture Patterns in Viscoplastic Gravity Currents

The study of gravity currents has long been of interest due to their prevalence in industry and in nature, one such example being the spreading of viscoplastic (yield-stress) fluid films. When a viscoplastic fluid is extruded onto a flat plate, the resulting gravity current expands axisymmetrically when the surface is dry and rough. For such a case, the flow above the non-slip surface is dominated by shear stresses. However, when experiments are performed with a viscoplastic fluid (Carbopol) extruded onto a flat plate wet by a thin coating of water, fractures appear to create a distinctive flower-like pattern. By performing a number of variations on the experiments, we demonstrate that a recently proposed shear-thinning extensional-flow instability is not responsible. Instead, further investigation suggests that these patterns arise from the solid-mechanical fracturing of the complex fluid, exacerbated by the presence at the surface of the solvent making up the fluid (i.e. water) which reduces the fracture toughness.