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Safety Critical Sensor Integration for Autonomous Vehicles

Autotaxi is a 2-year collaborative project funded by the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as part of the Foresight Vehicle Link Programme. The project partners are TRW Automotive Limited, Advanced Transport Systems Limited, Praxis Critical Systems Limited, University of Bristol and University of Warwick.

The project will develop a safety critical sensor system for autonomous vehicles. The sensing technologies that are used are radar, video and optical ranging devices. Warwick University is responsible for the development of obstacle detection algorithms for the video sensor.

IPES staff involved in the Autotaxi project: Dr Tardi Tjahjadi and Dr Christophe Vincent.

Autotaxi publications involving the IPES Laboratory:

  • "Multi-View Camera Calibration Using a Generic B-Spline Distortion Model," Vincent,CY, Tjahjadi T, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence in April 2004, awaiting review.

  • "Safety Critical Sensor Integration for Autonomous Vehicles," Buchanan A, Shooter C, Ross-Martin T, Lowson M, Needle B, Fletcher L, Lieven N, Tjahjadi T, Vincent C, Proceedings of 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, November 2003.

  • "Obstacle Detection by Direct Estimation of Multiple Motion and Scene Structure from a Moving Stereo Rig," Vincent CY, Tjahjadi T, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003, 2326-2331.

Please go to Autotaxi Home Page for other Autotaxi publications.