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Current PhD Research

  • Azhar F (PhD), Video-based human activity recognition for assisted living, (since October 2010). Funded by Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS)and Engineering Bursary.

  • Choudhury DS (PhD), Video analysis of gaits for human identification, (since October 2010). Funded by Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS) and Engineering Bursary.

  • Li A (PhD), Human Activity Recognition, (since October 2011). Funded by Warwick School of Engineering Bursary.

  • Fan X (PhD), Model-based analysis of facial expressions, (since April 2012). Funded by Warwick-CSC (China) Scholarship.

Are you interested in PhD research?

If you are interested in researching for a PhD in the IPES Laboratory then we would be interested to hear from you. To be considered for all possible scholarships you should contact us before November (or as soon thereafter) to commence the PhD in October of the following year. Formal PhD applications received (via Warwick University Graduate Office) later than December will not be considered for university scholarships.

Please send your enquiry and curriculum vitae to either Dr Tardi Tjahjadi (T dot Tjahjadi at warwick dot ac dot uk.

School of Engineering, Univesity of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK (Fax: +44 24 76 418922).

N.B. No undergraduate student internships.

Please note that IPES Laboratory does not offer any student internships. Any emails asking about these will be ignored. Your cooperation is appreciated.