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Faculty Thesis Award

Nominations are invited for the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Thesis Research Prize 2024.

Engineering will be awarding a prize of £500 for the best doctoral thesis passed in 2023.


Open to nominations from PhD supervisors for theses that have been passed or are subject to only minor corrections by the examiners in the previous calendar year, i.e. theses passed and viva undertaken between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023.

Terms and Conditions

1. The competition is open for nominations from 29th January - 29th March 2024.

2. Nominations must be completed by PhD supervisors.

3. To enter the competition, the application form (linked below) must be completed in full. Evidence of the quality of the thesis should be provided – this can simply be a supporting statement from the external and/or internal thesis examiners. Additionally, evidence from the supervisor must be provided in the form of a statement (one page A4 maximum) summarising the reasons why the thesis is outstanding. This could include mention of, for example, the quality of experimental or theoretical work reported, highly cited or 'hot' papers, intellectual contributions, scholarship, breakthroughs made etc. You are encouraged to ensure that current and future impact of the thesis is also considered. A soft-bound copy of thesis or a pdf electronic version should be submitted for consideration if requested by the judging panel.

4. The deadline for applications is 8pm, 29th March 2024. No applications will be accepted after this time.

5. The competition will be judged by the School of Engineering Research Committee.

6. The winning student will be announced during May 2024.