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Undergraduate Welcome Week

Our academic induction activities during Welcome Week are designed to help you settle in, make new friends and prepare yourself for the start of term.

Due to space and resource restrictions, you will be allocated to a smaller group for some activities on Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 September. Please check your Welcome timetable to see which group you have been allocated to. This should be published in early September.

Undergraduate Timetable

UG Timetable
Date Event Timings Event Title Event Location Description

Mon 23 Sep

9am - 10am Undergraduate Registration Ramphal Foyer Please arrive at any point from 9am onwards to collect your pack of information and visit stands advertising the Engineering student societies.
10am - 11.30am Undergraduate Welcome (Part 1) R0.21 | Ramphal building

An introduction to the School of Engineering, including all the essential information you need to know about:

  • Key people in the School of Engineering
  • Study at Warwick
  • Term 1 Modules and Deadlines
  • Special Arrangements, Extensions and Mitigating Circumstances
  • Library services
  • Careers support
  • Student Union
Tue 24 Sep 9am - 11.30am Undergraduate Welcome (Part 2) R0.21 | Ramphal building

An opportunity for you to find out more about:

  • Y1 modules in the School of Engineering
  • Wellbeing
  • Report and Support
  • The Warwick Award
  • Warwick Enterprise
Wed 25 Sep Various timings (please chceck your group on the Welcome timetable) Workshop Inductions & PPE Collection School of Engineering

An induction to workshop and safe working practices in our Engineering Build Space, & an opportunity to collect PPE for some groups. More information below.

Thu 28 Sep

All day (please see your Welcome timetable for individual timings) Academic Induction School of Engineering / Rootes Panorama

Academic induction on Thursday will take place in the School of Engineering, with a whole cohort social in the Rootes Panorama suite.

All students will be grouped, as per the Wednesday, and throughout the day will attend IT training, meet students and staff at a social event, and be taken on a tour of the School of Engineering.

You may have a slot to collect PPE on this day if your group didn't collect it on Wednesday.

9am - 5pm Student Ambassador Drop-in F1.05/1.06 (Engineering student common room)

If you are in-between activities on Thursday, why not drop-in to our student common room? Engineering Student Ambassadors will be available throughout the day to answer your questions!

Don't have any questions? Feel free to use the common room to relax and catch up with your new coursemates!

Academic Induction Timetable

Wednesday and Thursday activities will be grouped due to logistics and capacity constraints. You can find out which group you've been allocated to (A - H) in the Welcome timetable once this is published in early September.

Wed 25 Sep Academic Induction Groups

Wed 25 Sep Academic Induction Groups
Activity Workshop Induction PPE Collection
Location Engineering Build Space (EBS1.1 & EBS1.3) Civil strong floor (D0.35)
9am - 9.50am A  
9.50am - 10.40am B  
10.40am - 11.30am C A
11.30am - 12.20pm D B
12.20pm - 1.10pm   C
1.10pm - 2pm E D
2pm - 2.50pm F  
2.50pm - 3.40pm G  
3.40pm - 4.30pm H  

Thu 26 Sep Academic Induction Groups

Thu 26 Sep Academic Induction Groups
Activity IT Training & Intro to Moodle Department Tour PPE Collection Welcome Social
Location F2.11 Student Hub (F1.05 & F1.06) Civil strong floor (D0.35) Rootes Panorama Suite
9am - 9.50am H G D C E  
9.50am - 10.40am B A H G F  
10.40am - 11.30am D C B A G  
11.30am - 12.20pm         H  
12.20pm - 1.10pm     F E    
1.10pm - 2pm F E        
2.15pm - 3.45pm           Social Activity - all groups

PPE Collection | Wed 25 & Thu 26 Sep | Civil Strong Floor (D0.35) 

PPE comprises safety boots/shoes, a lab coat, and safety glasses/overspecs (for glasses wearers). All items are provided by the School of Engineering free of charge and are to be collected during your group slot during Wed 25 or Thu 26 September from the School of Engineering 'Civil Strong Floor' (D0.35).

Available sizing will use 'UK' measurements as below:

Lab Coat Sizing (Chest/Bust Measurement)

Safety Shoe Sizing