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Induction Week Schedule

Monday 25th September Tuesday 26th September Wednesday 27th September Thursday 28th September Friday 29th September

10am - 12 noon

Welcome to Hetsys

Presentations from Julie
Staunton, James Kermode,
Nick Hine and Sarah Jarratt

MAS 2.05/6

Individual meetings with
Supervisors and Mentors

10am - 12 noon


MAS 2.05/6

10am - 12 noon

Mathematics Induction

MAS 2.05/6

Explore your surroundings

Grab a map and
head off for a walk
and a chat

12pm - 2pm

Informal Lunch

Cohort 5 and supervisors

MAS 2.05/6

2pm - 4pm

Quantum Mechanics
Induction Session

MAS 2.05/6

1pm - 2.30pm

Python Programming
Induction Session

MAS 2.05/6



Curry and Quiz

Meet some of the
HetSys Community



From 5.30pm
Informal Social

Join some of the other cohorts
for a relaxed meet up

The Dirty Duck