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Course Regulations

How many modules do I take?

Your work load is calculated in terms of CATS (Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme). The normal (i.e. minimum) load in each year is 120 CATS. A module of 30 lectures is normally worth

  • 10 or 15 CATS in the first or second year,
  • 15 CATS in the third year,
  • 15 CATS for MMath modules with a MA4xx code (taken in year 3 or year 4).

Anything you offer for exam credit is measured in CATS, and you should use CATS as a guide in planning your options.

Each CATS point nominally corresponds to 10 hours of a student's work (including lectures, supervisions, private study and discussions). For example, a 10 CATS 30 lecture module needs 3 hours of lectures and 4 further hours' study per week plus 30 hours' exam preparation. The Normal Load of 120 CATS corresponds to 40 hours' work per week for 30 weeks. Do not take more than 120 CATS unless you devote the additional time to your studies.

Conversely, you cannot take fewer than 120 CATS. Additionally University regulations require at least 360 CATS to be completed over three years for the award of a BSc. degree, and 480 CATS over four years for an MMath.

Please note that available modules are subject to some small amount of change each year; the modules published in this handbook will be correct for the year of publication.

Which modules are compulsory?

You must take

  • the core modules for the year you are in;
  • if you are in year 2 or 3, an appropriate number of optional modules (see links below);
  • in addition any others you like (not exceeding 150 CATS in total, and noting 2nd year regulations for BSc students). Your end of year mark will be calculated on the straight average on the subset of modules fulfilling regulations that gives the highest mark (or straight average on all modules taken if that is higher).

Overcatting is officially at the discretion of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, but in practice, for most students, we apply a light touch to module choices in this respect.


Students who take over 120 CATS have their end of year average calculated according to University regulations:

"With the normal load for a year's study being 120 CATS (or such larger figure as is specified by course regulations) and the maximum permitted load being 150 CATS then, for each year of study, a candidate's mean mark is the arithmetic mean of the subset of whole modules, weighted according to their credit weighting, which satisfies the course regulations and results in the highest mark."

Mathematically, we take the power set of your module selection, and calculate the averages on each selection of modules that would be allowed under course regulations (i.e. as a minimum at least 120 CATS and contains all core modules) and take the highest average.

This essentially means that if you overcat and do not perform well (compared to your others) in those modules then they will not be included in the end of year average calculation. The best calculation is not always the most obvious one!

Note: even if not included in the end of year average, ALL modules still appear on your transcript (HEAR).

Are there any other restrictions?

Please check the detailed Course Regulations, and note, in particular, the special requirements for the for the MMath.

Not all the 3rd year List A options, or 4th year List C options are available every year.

Other options may be taken from List B modules or unusual options.

There is also the opportunity to Study Abroad, either for credit towards your degree, or as an "intercalated year".

Degree Courses and Year Weightings

We offer several degrees and intercalated variants (note change for 2019 entry students due to Covid which should affect very few current students now):

  • G100 Mathematics years 1, 2 and 3 weighted 10:30:60 (for 2019 entry only 0:30:70);
  • G103 Mathematics (MMath) weighted 10:20:30:40 (for 2019 entry only 0:20:35:45);
  • GL11 Mathematics and Economics weighted 10:40:50 (transfer to Economics Department at end of year 2, for 2019 entry only 0:40:60);
  • G1NC Mathematics and Business Studies weighted 10:40:50 (transfer to Warwick Business School at end of Year 2, for 2019 entry only 0:50:50);

Intercalated variants as follows (G106 the 3rd year abroad counts for credit, all the others it does not):

  • G101 Mathematics with Intercalated Year weighted 10:30:0:60 (year 3 abroad, for 2019 entry only 0:40:0:70);
  • G105 Mathematics (MMath) with Intercalated Year weighted 10:20:0:30:40 (year 3 abroad, for 2019 entry only 0:20:0:35:45);
  • G107 Mathematics (MMath) with Study Abroad weighted 10:20:20:50 (year 3 abroad, 2019 entry 0:20:25:55);
  • GL12 Mathematics and Economics (with Intercalated Year) 10:40:0:50 (year 3 abroad, for 2019 entry only 0:40:0:60);

Regulations by Year

Detailed course regulations by year are outlined at the top of each year's module pages, or historical (pre-2015) can be found on the University's central course regulation pages. Note in particular the section here on Examinations and Assessment on specific rules for progression, and decisions of the various Exam Boards. It is usually neccessary to pass a specific number of CATS in order to progress, as well as to be awarded a degree.

For regulations for Joint Degrees for years once transfer to the other department has taken place please consult that Department's Course Handbook:

Other Resources

For more information about the University regulations for your degree see the following: