MA4K8 MA4K9 Projects
Organisers: Charles Elliott and Bjorn Stinner
Term(s): Terms 1-2
Status for Mathematics students: Core for 4th Year G103
Assessment: See below
Please note that this page is currently being updated for 2024/25.
The fourth-year Project module comes in two flavours:
- MA4K8 Maths-in-Action (MiA-Projects):
Description: This module is suitable for students going on to careers (such as in data analysis or quantitative analysis in finance) in which developing mathematics will be a vital skill as well as students intending to pursue further mathematical studies and research. A primary purpose of these projects is further development of communication skills in speaking and writing. The projects involve a deeper understanding of how mathematics underpins a particular topic in the modern world and then communicating this understanding in the form of a presentation, a written popular science article, and a written scholarly report at the MMath level. Your Maths-in-Action projects will show how some of the mathematics you have learnt at Warwick affects contemporary life and technology.
Aims: The broad aims are: to develop your ability to communicate mathematics to diverse audiences and to give you a deeper appreciation of how mathematics underpins the modern world. Doing a Maths-in-Action project will teach you the art of scholarship and is also an opportunity to engage in your own mathematical research activity. It will help you to acquire a variety of presentation skills.
Resources: Maths-in-Action Resources pageLink opens in a new window
Moodle page: Maths-in-Action MoodleLink opens in a new window
- MA4K9 Research (R-Projects):
Description: These projects are valuable for students intending to pursue further mathematical studies such as research degrees. It is also suitable for students going on to careers (such as in data analysis or quantitative analysis in finance) in which developing mathematics will be a vital skill. Finally, it is for anyone wishing to experience the joy of mathematical study at the frontiers of research.
Aims: The primary aim of the Research Project is to give you experience of mathematics as it is pursued close to the frontiers of research, not just as a spectator sport but as an engaging, evolving activity in which you yourself can play a part.
Resources: R-Projects Resource pageLink opens in a new window
Moodle page: R-Project MoodleLink opens in a new window
IMPORTANT: Please note the Important Dates sections below for the R-Projects and the MiA Projects. Deadlines must be strictly adhered to! It is your responsibility to make sure you are registered for the correct version of the project on eMR! In addition, all MMath students must register their project choice on Moodle by 23:59 on |
Registration will open on Saturday, 28 September 2024 |
- Scholarly Report (60% of the module credit).
- Popular Article (20% of the module credit).
- Poster and Presentation (15% of the module credit).
- Progress Report (5% of the module credit).
Themes for 2024/25:
Algebra and Topology in Biology,
Collective dynamics,
Data and Information,
Error correcting codes,
Geometry in nature and data,
Inverse problems,
Machine learning,
Opinion dynamics,
Traffic and autonomous driving.
MiA Project Important Dates: The submission deadlines below are strict and marks will be deducted for late submissions!Further information about various submissions and meetings will be posted on the News Items on the Maths-in-Action Resources pageLink opens in a new window and on MoodleLink opens in a new window.You should check it regularly.
Please contact the Taught Programmes Office for any technical questions concerning the submission procedure. |
- A short progress report in Term 2 (5% of the module credit)
- A written dissertation (80% of the module credit)
- An oral presentation and defence of dissertation (15% of the module credit)
Themes and supervision:
The R-Project can be any area of mathematics offered by permanent staff. Before you register for a Research Project, you must take the following steps:
- Find a member of staff willing to supervise you;
- Agree on a theme suited to your mathematical background and interests, and to your supervisor's expertise;
- Negotiate a title and brief for your project, and discuss its aims and objectives.
Note that it is normal for this to need renegotiating as the project evolves and final titles sometimes differ from the title originally registered.
A list of the Research project themes offered by staff members can be found here. It might also be useful to look at the research interests of permanent staff.
If you have your own ideas about a theme for an R-project, feel free to ask any permanent member of staff whether they would be willing to be your supervisor, but remember, staff are under no obligation to supervise an R-project, and are, in any case, discouraged from supervising more than two a year.
Research Project Important Dates: The dates below are strict and marks will be deducted for late submissions!Further information about various submissions and meetings will be posted on the News Items on the R-Project Resources pageLink opens in a new window and on MoodleLink opens in a new window.
Please contact the Taught Programmes Office for any questions concerning the submission procedure. |